Can I use 3.6/3.7V rechargeables in my Amilite Neo T5 SSC???


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 13, 2006
P-Town, TX
Please, can somebody tell me - I've been dying to know - Can I use 3.6/3.7V rechargeables in an Amilite Neo T5 SSC???


Yes you can, but runtime is short with 3,7V RCR123 : ~20 minutes. I think the led is highly overdriven.

With 3V RCR123, you have ~35 minutes runtime.

One member in CPF ahve done runtime test (without graph).
Do a search on the Amilyte T5.
I am running one in mine tonight for some quick beamshots and WOW is it bright! If the light is 115 lumens with a primary it is around 140 with the RCR. Incredible brightness!
adirondackdestroyer said:
I am running one in mine tonight for some quick beamshots and WOW is it bright! If the light is 115 lumens with a primary it is around 140 with the RCR. Incredible brightness!

+1, even the low is brighter.....