can this light be saved


Newly Enlightened
Jun 26, 2010
so i have a nebo csi (i am new so bare with me) it is a tactical light i suppose. at least that is why i bought it i liked the edge on the head of it for defense reasons. but it is turning out to be another china p.o.s. welp the problem is (after taking apart the head and resoldering two wires back on oops) it is flickering and the symptoms get worse as i wiggle the tail . its kinda embarrasing to pull out your edc and it doesn't work i cannot get the clickie out as it is glued in. *sigh* idk what to do about it other than throw it out and hope one of the lights i have ordered as of late is of better quality,but i doubt it still made in china stuff.
to NovaLover --

Welcome to CandlePowerForums !


Now fer' my advice . . . .

Don't waste yer' Time and Effort !


You are simply trying to " Polish a Turd ".


Sorry, but i hafta' be Brutally Honest.

@burgess this is what i am thinking lol. @ jabe1 maybe in a lil while when i get a better edc i will tear into it . it is a shame though i do like the feel and style of it . Oh well live and learn:sigh:
I had to google search it... I don't really see anything in their product lineup thats worth the effort.

Don't get too hung up on the manufacturing origins of the light... there are some great lights that are made in China. Every bit as good as lights from other countries, and in many ways may be better depending on what your preferences are.
