Canon A550 digital camera & Lithium AA's OK?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 23, 2005
Just got a new Canon A550.

It uses 2x AA cells.

Canon recommend nimh, and alkalines secondly.

Is it OK to use Lithium AA's, I suspect it is.

Any relevant experience with Lithium AA's in other Canons ?
I have used all three in my A560 (essentially a A550 w/digic III processer instead of digic II, so includes face detection). Currently, I am using up about a dozen E2 Titanium batteries left over from my wedding, and I am quite pleased with the approx. 300 pictures I get from 2 batteries. I used E2 Lithium on my honeymoon, and those two particular E2 cells are now residing in one of my car flashlights, so that tells you how much they were used up... I've been waiting to find a good deal in a B&M store on Rayovac hybrids for me to switch to fully to rechargeables (and use up my alkie AA's).