Can't use Nitecore D10 with rechargeables?

The D10 will work fine with protected Li-Ions, although there might be some issues caused by the extra millimetre or two in length of the protected cells. Some people have resorted to chopping the spring - but this is purely a mechanical issue: there's no electrical problem with using a protected Li-Ion.
I probably was just going to use eneloops but why is this guy on the video saying you can't use any rechargeables.
I have had a few D10 for the last one plus year and all I can say is I have absolutely no problems running them on AW 14500 protected Li-Ion batteries. The D10 on protected Li-Ion runs slightly brighter and has a more constant output throughout the whole regulation span. With alkalines, the light output just drops gradually as the cell weakens. There are times I had the D10 on for more than 1/2 an hour with absolutely no problems except having it get pretty warm but not to the extend I can't hold it.
I have had a few D10 for the last one plus year and all I can say is I have absolutely no problems running them on AW 14500 protected Li-Ion batteries. The D10 on protected Li-Ion runs slightly brighter and has a more constant output throughout the whole regulation span.

I always thought that was the preferred power source, 14500.
I think he is referring to Ni-MH batteries. Somewhere in the video he did mention not to use nickel metal. Some people had reported that D10 tends to give out a loud whine and in some cases flickers when using Ni-MH on high mode. I guess the 1.2v power from the cells are not capable of running D10 on high power. AFAIK, those who uses Eneloop have had no problems.
I am another D10 user who put his Lithium primaries on ice and have been running the D10's with AW's 14500's. Sometimes I use NiMh rechargeables, but generally speaking, it's the 14500. That's the only way I can get the output to mirror my EX10's. the 14500's work with every D10 to date. I have personally verified that.

You can rest easy knowing you can power any D10 with guilt-free lumens.

Now GO my son, and spread the AW gospel to all who will listen.
I too have no problems with lithium rechargeables or nimh......the light output is brighter on 14500 but short runtimes......the only primary im willing to use in the light are lithium energizers and thats about it.
My D10's and D10 SP works great with Alkalines, Lithiums, Eneloops and also AW 14500 cells.

The only thing with AW14500 cells may be that the spring in the piston must be shortened a little bit since this cells are longer than AA sized cells. After this mod the piston works perfect with 14500 cells.