cardboard "bread tags"


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 3, 2009
Ottawa Ont. Canada
Has anyone else noticed that the cardboard bread-bag tags which replace plastic ones, supposedly saving a bunch of plastic from landfill, don't work? They hold up until the bag is opened, after that bend and become useless to reseal the bag.

They even have little recycling symbols on them.

I'm all for plastic waste reduction and better recycling (which is dismal for plastics) but this is a token measure pushing onus and some of the guilt onto consumers, by the plastics industry and perhaps well-meaning but misguided political types.

Don't get me started on the removal of (plastic) shopping bags being provided at supermarkets. Now you have to buy your own, still plastic, "reusable" stitched plastic fabric types that the handles often pull off of.
I used to use the plastic bags from my shopping as bin bags. Now I buy bin bags, also plastic, but I pay for them.

I'd better go out and buy a Chinese EV now. The government says so.
Has anyone else noticed that the cardboard bread-bag tags which replace plastic ones, supposedly saving a bunch of plastic from landfill, don't work? They hold up until the bag is opened, after that bend and become useless to reseal the bag.

They even have little recycling symbols on them.

I'm all for plastic waste reduction and better recycling (which is dismal for plastics) but this is a token measure pushing onus and some of the guilt onto consumers, by the plastics industry and perhaps well-meaning but misguided political types.

Seems like the attitude of governments these days isn't one of what works and what dosen't. Common sense, practicality and effectiveness are over shadowed by an illusion of ideology, that's said to be better.

I'm all for less impact on environment and so on but there's an enormous amount of green agenda that doesn't pass the sanity test. Most of it's like getting a really crappy birthday present and smiling, it's the thought that counts right? At best.

Pushing renewables and EVs that just aren't up to it, taxing and pricing out the majority so the privileged can feel good.

I've steered well past cardboard bread tags but sometimes these days I feel like we're living in a George Orwell novel.
We still see the plastic and twisty bag ties on bread in So. Cal. We tend to transfer them to a resealable bag because the twisties are cheap that the paper comes off or the wire breaks.

Reminded me of this Kauai news segment on $13 bread:
:buttrock: RESIST! :buttrock: PLASTIC TO THE PEOPLE! :buttrock:


Actually, this was a prank our oldest played on his brother.
Has anyone else noticed that the cardboard bread-bag tags which replace plastic ones, supposedly saving a bunch of plastic from landfill, don't work? They hold up until the bag is opened, after that bend and become useless to reseal the bag.

They even have little recycling symbols on them.

I'm all for plastic waste reduction and better recycling (which is dismal for plastics) but this is a token measure pushing onus and some of the guilt onto consumers, by the plastics industry and perhaps well-meaning but misguided political types.

Recycling and environmentalism has always been placed on the consumer like it's our fault. The oil companies started that and everyone else followed suit
thats why i refuse to order extra ice
(World) "Electric car sales remained strong in the first quarter of 2024, surpassing those of the same period in 2023 by around 25% to reach more than 3 million."

"In 2024, electric car sales in the United States are projected to rise by 20% compared to the previous year, translating to almost half a million more sales, relative to 2023. Despite reporting of a rocky end to 2023 for electric cars in the United States, sales shares are projected to remain robust in 2024. Over the entire year, around one in nine cars sold are expected to be electric."

"There are of course downside risks to the 2024 outlook for electric car sales. Factors such as high interest rates and economic uncertainty could potentially reduce the growth of global electric car sales in 2024. Other challenges may come from the IRA restrictions on US electric car tax incentives, and the tightening of technical requirements for EVs to qualify for the purchase tax exemption in China. However, there are also upside potentials to consider. New markets may open up more rapidly than anticipated, as automakers expand their EV operations and new entrants compete for market share. This could lead to accelerated growth in electric car sales globally, surpassing the initial estimations."

Scientific article describing rare danger of ingesting plastic bread clips causing death, and that using cardboard prevents that rare occurrence.
eat a normal cup then next time i bet they will give yu a aedible cup for free!!!!!! btw this is a joke lol
(World) "Electric car sales remained strong in the first quarter of 2024, surpassing those of the same period in 2023 by around 25% to reach more than 3 million."

"In 2024, electric car sales in the United States are projected to rise by 20% compared to the previous year, translating to almost half a million more sales, relative to 2023. Despite reporting of a rocky end to 2023 for electric cars in the United States, sales shares are projected to remain robust in 2024. Over the entire year, around one in nine cars sold are expected to be electric."

"There are of course downside risks to the 2024 outlook for electric car sales. Factors such as high interest rates and economic uncertainty could potentially reduce the growth of global electric car sales in 2024. Other challenges may come from the IRA restrictions on US electric car tax incentives, and the tightening of technical requirements for EVs to qualify for the purchase tax exemption in China. However, there are also upside potentials to consider. New markets may open up more rapidly than anticipated, as automakers expand their EV operations and new entrants compete for market share. This could lead to accelerated growth in electric car sales globally, surpassing the initial estimations."

It's like playing Whac-A-Mole. What does that 👆have to do with plastic bread clips?!

Scientific article describing rare danger of ingesting plastic bread clips causing death, and that using cardboard prevents that rare occurrence.
The operative word is rare. The world will always have careless parents who don't watch their children.
I actually use my 3d printer to make these bread tags and sell them. I couldn't believe there actually was enough demand to make them but there is. The sad part is its probably more efficient to mass produce these than it is to have multiple people making their own.
It's like playing Whac-A-Mole. What does that 👆have to do with plastic bread clips?!

The operative word is rare. The world will always have careless parents who don't watch their children.
Of course member F89 makes a funny rant about EV's (grunt duds nod approval) and then when something factual is posted about EV's CG gets his mole whacker out. Kinda sad. I try to avoid the copper thieves thread now because of....

Instead of being provided information as to why cardboard bread clips may even exist, it is more satisfying to criticise those who have different priorities and then self righteously decrying 'careless parents'. Don't you have some repair work at your mom's house?

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