CD burner diodes to handheld laser


Newly Enlightened
Jun 25, 2007
OK, someone (please) walk me through this. I have a sony cd-burner that I pulled from my computer when I upgraded to a DVD burner. I gather from other posts that I can pull the diode from this and use it to make a hand held laser.

I've been looking at old posts, but can someone put it all in one place for me?

I'm pretty sure I can figure out where the diode is, and probably even de-solder it. Do I need to keep any driver circuitry? Will I need to bread-board something together? I haven't looked at a circuit diagram in years, but I can still puzzle one out if its simple enough. I could possibly even make a driver circuit if I had to, with some radioshack prototyping PCB. I'd probably have to look up the color codes for resistors and whatnot.

I then just have to make it fit into the body of a small flashlight (I have my eye on a coast model that uses three AAAs).

I saw something about a resistor on the positive lead of the diode and a capacitor in parallel to the diode.

What am I missing, and can someone give me an idea of how much power I can expect, plus what I could do with it?
A CD blower will probably use a 780nm laser diode - 780nm is very, very near infrared, so at best, the spot will be a barely visible, dull, dim cherry red - even at dangerously high power levels.

What you want is the laser diode from a DVD blower; these use laser diodes of ~660nm, which will be *FAR MORE* visible (bright red) than the laser diode found in a CD blower.
The power output should exceed 50mW, so yes, still dangerous - but at least you'll be able to see the laser spot. :)
So theoretically an infrared laser is going to be better for burning things, but I need eye protection. Hmm. OK, maybe I'll hold out for a dvd burner.
So theoretically an infrared laser is going to be better for burning things, but I need eye protection. Hmm. OK, maybe I'll hold out for a dvd burner.

A DVD or CD Burner infrared diode is NOT more powerful.

The red diode out of a DVD burner is far more powerful and can be easily driven to provide in excess of 100mw's. Therefore eye protection is definitely recommended especially if burning up close. These can be just as dangerous as green or other wavelength lasers that put out the same amount of power. The only reason infrared is more dangerous is because it is hard to see.

I recommend the Wicked laser shades since they allow enough of the red to come through, you can still see the dot and they work well for burning up close. I usually don't wear them unless I am burning, but I am very careful where I point the dot. In my opinion, anyone building or buying a high powered laser should make eye protection a priority. As far as what defines a high powered laser, well this has been debated and I don't know enough personally to get into it. But I do know a do it yourself laser made from a DVD burner qualifies.
ALWAYS use eye protection with anything more than 5-15mw!!! it only takes ONE small slip up and you're scarred for life!