Charger Compatibility Question


Mar 5, 2008
42.58 N 70.84 W
I just got a new cell phone that is charged with a mini USB plug. I also have a camera that has the same plug, but they run at different voltages. Will I mess up the batteries on either gadget if I use the cord for the other gadget ? Thanks !
Are you sure your camera can be charged via the mini-USB? Often this will be a digital output for connecting to a computer or similar.

Either way, a USB plug normally carries 5VDC, be it from a computer or a wall-wart style charger. So no, you should not mess up your batteries. But your camera may not charge this way.


There is another charging plug for my camera, but I have changed the batteries in both my camera and my GPS unit while it was plugged into the mini-usb cable and it stayed turned on, so since it was getting power, I assumed it was also charging, but I don't know that for sure.

Does anyone know if ( or how ) to test the voltage from the mini-usb plug ?
Reasonable assumption since it stayed on when you removed the batts! :)

You can safely assume that a mini-USB has 5V supply. being a serial bus, there will be 4 pins, two for power, two for data transmission.

The question is rather if your camera can charge via that port. What make and model is your camera? And your "other" charger, does it not state 5VDC as its output?


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