My new mp3 player
It has a built in 1000mah battery and it came with a 1000mah charger.
But i also have a 500mah charger, which is best to charge the lin-ion.
Will i get better battery life if i charge at 500mah opposed to 1000mah.
There are 1000 mAh batteries, meaning they have a capacity of outputting 1000 mA at 1 Volt, for one hour, or the equivalent.
There is nothing called a 1000 mAh charger!
There are chargers with a set Voltage and a maximum power output of 1000 mA.
So you forgot to tell us what Voltage this charger was rated at!
The charger that came with your MP3 player, is built for your player, with the neccessary Voltage output and pin configuration.
The power/Ampere output is costantly regulated by the charging circuit inside your player, and what it can draw and feed to the batteries inside.
Please do not try another charger with your MP3 player if you do not know about these simple things!
The end result might be a ruined player, if the charger does not fit the needs of your player!
When you have read and learned some about electrics, electronics, Ohms law, everything you need to know about playing with with batteries , chargers, flashlights.
Then you can start changing and experimenting with charging batteries, also for MP3 players.
And yes, charging batteries with low power/Amperes is usually better than doing quick charging with higher Amperes fed into the cells.
The trick to get most "juice" stored inside the energy carriers, the "cells", is to feed energy into them avoiding heat build-up in the cells during this process!
Start studying, this is what you learn in Physics at school? Yes?
Learn some about your toys and the principles of running them.
And keep your player working for a long time!
Hope this saved your player?