Charging with CellPro10 and magnetic leads.

Turbo Guy

Feb 28, 2009
Haralson County GA USA
The question is often asked ,what hobby charger to use for charging Li-ion cells for flashlights? Well I have many hobby chargers and IMO the FMA cellPro 10 is the best when it comes to dealing with these cells many of which are protected. Most of my other chargers have a very difficult time due to the protection devices.

Being lazy and wanting a super simple means to charge a couple of cells I made this charging/balancing leads harness.


Here are the leads on their holder,turned edge wise to show sandwich construction.

I used a Dremel cutoff wheel to make a slot in the face of the washers. Soldered end of wire to fare side,filled excess solder away so face was flat,applied a dab of Goop and sandwiched the magnets and washers.

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I have been eyeing an FMA CellPro Multi4 lately as a charger for my flashlight fuel. I'm curious to know what about the 10s makes it behave better with protected cells and do you think the Multi4 will have the same characteristics?
Muli 4 is highly user configueable so should work fine,perhaps striaght out of box even. I have no experience with them however. My Cell Pro 10 just seems to have a charge algorathim more compatible with protected cells. My other charger,DN Power,TP 425,Hyperion DUO,hyperion 720i all charge the cells to 4.2 and then stay in CV stage for an extremely long time. Using CP10 cell voltage comes up 4.2 per cell slower and CV stage is much shorter. Perhaps the other chargers would do better if I played around with them more but as I have many chargers I just tried each one till I found the most efficient.
Cool, thanks for the reply.

Being the tightwad that I am, I'm kind of just waiting for FMA to offer the Multi4 with free FUIM2 again like they did recently. It is certainly a very nice looking charger, especially with all of the things you can do through the PC interface.

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