Cheap Candle Attachment for AA Lights


Apr 15, 2007
I just noticed this AA light with a "candle attachment" on DX Some time ago, I got some white plastic leg tips (19mm size) at Home Depot as lens covers for a few of my AA and 123A lights. I wanted black but they only had brown and white. In addition to protecting the lens in my pocket, I noted that partly sliding the cap up when tail standing creates a nice little candle light. If the cap fits a little tight, you can put it in hot water and stretch it. Oh, by the way, they were 73 cents for four caps.
Hi bspofford -

There are lots of similar options - I'm just weird enough to worry about protecting even glass lenses on flashlights and get very obsessive with plastic ones - so I have looked for things to slide over them, as you have.

For my HDS EDC and for Surefire flashlights, the push-on caps of small polyethylene canisters, such as you get at Container Store, provide protection from scratches & impacts, and also make decent diffusers for close-up use. Not quite as good as an F04 beamshaper, but way cheaper and very servicable! For other flashlights I've used plastic doorstopper covers and film canister and pill container parts, some of which work as diffusers.

Good things, diffusers.

All the best,
- Bill
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