Cheap emergency lantern DIY


Jun 26, 2002
Central Tx
I kept looking at this 100 CD stack storage thing thinking "that thing looks light related" when it dawned on me -


Cut a hole in the bottom and add your favorite flashlight! Makes a very good lamp.
I've got an empty one of those also. I didn't throw it away, just knowing I would come up with some use for it.

Line half of the inside with white cardboard and you have a directional light....perhaps add a white piece of cardboard in the ceiling and you may have a flood thrower ?!? :)
Wouldn't aluminum foil work better?

I was thinking of just throwing two of those DIY Pak-Lite type lights inside one of those spare CD-R containers I have laying around and lining the base with aluminum foil to reflect back some of the light that is lost from reflections inside the thing.
Over in the fixed lighting forum I'm using a very similiar concept in a project to build a Shoji style table lamp. Basically the LEDs sit open at the bottom and illuminate the sides. Except in the this case I'm using white fabric wrapped around and not plastic.

Same idea though....I love simple concepts like this that work out great. Good job.