cheap minimag type lights



I found some Chinese made knockoffs at the local dollar store. They are not as nicely finished as a minimag and seem to be made of a lighter aluminum but what can you expect for only a buck each. They use the two pin bulb and twist on and off. I bought a half dozen, now I won't be too mad if I lose one or one walks away when I set it down. I think these also would be great for experimenting with all the different mods you can do to minimags. I also picked up a couple of rubber gripped 2D lights for a buck each that are exactly the same as ones sold at Meijer with the Garrity name on them for 6.99. They have the same crappy push button switch and easily broken rubber strap. The brand name light is the exact same only in fancy packaging and has Garrity painted on it. Guess that is what makes them worth more. I bought a couple to abuse at work. Check out your local dollar store, you never can tell what cheap toys you can find there.
BTW a minimag tailcap will fit the chinese light but the chinese tailcap doesn't fit the minimag well (but it still works). Reflector housings do not interchange. The threads are different.