Christmas Gifts VI - all gone!


Dec 15, 2002
Michigander in SeaTac
Well, I'm done, again.

Here's the order in which the winners get to choose -

1. american lockpicker, 6. ARC AAA Premium
2. carbine15, 34. Milky SEOULMATOR
3. xian13, 4. NiteCore Extreme SS Bezel
4. whitedoom34, 58. Surefire M6 Millennium Series Magnumlight
5. VillageIdiot, 37. Surefire 6P
6. radar696, 3. Olight M20 Warrior Premium
7. chew socks, 45. Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light MC-E version
8. phoneguy, 2. JetBeam Jet-III M
9. Youfoundnemo, 40. SureFire 660
10. Juggernaut, 48. Wolf Eyes M90 Rattlesnake
11. sailingdog, 33. Surefire U2
12. igabo, 1. Milky KL4
13. isc, 32. Surefire L1 Cree
14. kris994, 16. Surefire L1 Cree
15. andrewx490, 52. Lumapower MRV
16. cerberuss, 25. Fenix P1D Premium Q5 Natural
17. Guy's Dropper, 30. La Petite Killer Ti AAA
18. Blight, Pass
19. D-Dog, 59. Olight M20 Warrior Premium & 62. Eveready Double Barrel 4AAA
20. Bruce B, 55. Surefire G2 LED & Pass
21. 7ender, 38. Surefire 9P & Pass
22. TeamLosi, 11. JetBeam Jet-I MK.II X & 35. Princeton Tec Tec 40
23. Futoi, 17. Malkoff M60 & 8. Romisen RC-W4
24. kavvika, 10. LiteFlux LF5 SSC P4 & 26. 4-pack of Energizer AA
25. KnOeFz, 28. Lumapower M1 & 42. 1x18650 3W chinese light
26. carling, 29. Wolf Eyes Defender & 24. 4 pack AA Eneloops
27. kevin_d'marie, 60. Fenix P3D CE & Pass
28. Waffle, 43. Polished Stainless Steel Civictor & 22. 4 pack AA Eneloops
29. bigslick, 46. Surefire G2 & 21. 4 pack AA Eneloops
30. mossyoak, 47. Surefire G2 & 27. 4-pack of Energizer AA
31. legtu, 49. JETBeam C-LE v1.2 & 20. 4 pack AA Eneloops
32. vovw, 7. Fenix L0D CE & 23. 4 pack AA Eneloops
33. FlashBanger, 50. 2008 Inova XO & Pass
34. Moka, 44. ARC AAA & 68. Inova XO
35. Mungon, 39. Surefire KL3 LED & 19. 4 pack AA Eneloops
36. Nomad, 5. Original DSpeck Firefly & 13. Streamlight Microstream
37. rala, 41. Fenix L1P & 56. Brinkmann Maxfire LX
38. csshih, 12. DealExtreme X.V & 14. Fenix E01 Blue
39. AardvarkSagus, 9. $40 gift certificate & 15. Fenix E01 Natural
40. cyberspyder, 36. Surefire G2 & 57. Streamlight ProPoly Luxeon 4AA
41. clg0159, 54. Fenix P1 & 66. Mystery Gift #4
42. farmall, 31. Surefire G2 & 63. Mystery Gift #1
43. sims2k, 18. Superfire WF-501B & 67. Mystery Gift #5
44. Cosmo7809, 53. Elektrolumens XM-3 & 64. Mystery Gift #2
45. MikhailO, 51. Rayovac Sportsman Xtreme 2xAA LED & 65. Mystery Gift #3

And here's what they get to choose -

1. Gone - to igabo Milky KL4, donated by ksbman.
2. Gone - to phoneguy JetBeam Jet-III M, donated by ksbman.
3. Gone - to radar696 Olight M20 Warrior Premium, donated by ksbman.
4. Gone - to xian13 NiteCore Extreme SS Bezel, donated by ksbman.
5. Gone - to Nomad Original DSpeck Firefly, aluminum head, no dings, but lots of wear to knurling and edges, donated by ksbman.
6. Gone - to american lockpicker ARC AAA Premium, donated by ksbman.
7. Gone - to vovw Fenix L0D CE, donated by LEDninja.
8. Gone - to Futoi Romisen RC-W4, donated by LEDninja.
9. Gone - to AardvarkSagus $40 gift certificate from 4sevens, donated by Phoneguy.
10. Gone - to kavvika LiteFlux LF5 SSC P4 (original twisty version), donated by selfbuilt.
11. Gone - to TeamLosi JetBeam Jet-I MK.II X (original Cree P4 version), donated by selfbuilt.
12. Gone - to csshih DealExtreme X.V (JetBeam C-LE V1 clone – twisty, Cree P4), donated by selfbuilt.
13. Gone - to Nomad Streamlight Microstream NIB, donated by divine.
14. Gone - to csshih Fenix E01 Blue NIB, donated by divine.
15. Gone - to AardvarkSagus Fenix E01 Natural NIB, donated by divine.
16. Gone - to kris994 Surefire L1 Cree, some scratches on the head, no lanyard attachment, no clip, 4 pack of Titanium Primaries, donated by divine.
17. Gone - to Futoi Malkoff M60, the full power, normal optic (8 degree I think), pre-production one, donated by divine.
18. Gone - to sims2k Superfire WF-501B with Deerelight 3SD 5A Q2 w/SMO and a Blue Trustfire 18650, donated by divine.
19. Gone - to Mungon 4 pack AA Eneloops, donated by divine.
20. Gone - to legtu 4 pack AA Eneloops, donated by divine.
21. Gone - to bigslick 4 pack AA Eneloops, donated by divine.
22. Gone - to Waffle 4 pack AA Eneloops, donated by divine.
23. Gone - to vovw 4 pack AA Eneloops, donated by divine.
24. Gone - to carling 4 pack AA Eneloops, donated by divine.
25. Gone - to cerberuss Fenix P1D Premium Q5 Natural, donated by redsfairlane.
26. Gone - to kavvika 4-pack of Energizer AA e2 1.7v lithium cells, donated by AFAustin.
27. Gone - to mossyoak 4-pack of Energizer AA e2 1.7v lithium cells, donated by AFAustin.
28. Gone - to KnOeFz Lumapower M1, donated by depusm12.
29. Gone - to carling Wolf Eyes Defender with a Wolf Eyes Cree dropin (3.7-6 volts), donated by depusm12.
30. Gone - to Guy's Dropper La Petite Killer Ti AAA , donated by mr.squatch.
31. Gone - to farmall Surefire G2, black, donated by Monocrom.
32. Gone - to isc Surefire L1 Cree, donated by Visible EM Wave.
33. Gone - to sailingdog Surefire U2, donated by Visible EM Wave.
34. Gone - to carbine15 Milky SEOULMATOR, donated by Visible EM Wave.
35. Gone - to TeamLosi Princeton Tec Tec 40, donated by jzmtl.
36. Gone - to cyberspyder Surefire G2, Black, Lockout tailcap model, Mint Cond, donated by RAF_Groundcrew.
37. Gone - to VillageIdiot Surefire 6P, Black, current model, Mint Cond, donated by RAF_Groundcrew.
38. Gone - to 7ender Surefire 9P,Black, Old style, round body (laser products on the tailcap), Excellent condition, with belt holster, donated by RAF_Groundcrew.
39. Gone - to Mungon Surefire KL3 LED head, BLACK, new type with fresnel optics, Excellent condition, just a trace of wear on the front edge of the bezel, donated by RAF_Groundcrew.
40. Gone - to Youfoundnemo SureFire 660 NIB, old style with the flag switch and fixed pressure switch, donated by in_the_dark.
41. Gone - to rala Fenix L1P, donated by ledaholic.
42. Gone - to KnOeFz 1x18650 3W chinese light with no name or markings on it, donated by ledaholic.
43. Gone - to Waffle Polished Stainless Steel Civictor, donated by ledaholic.
44. Gone - to Moka ARC AAA, donated by ledaholic.
45. Gone - to chew socks Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light MC-E version, donated by Sabrewolf.
46. Gone - to bigslick Surefire G2, in either black or yellow, donated by HeadShot.
47. Gone - to mossyoak Surefire G2, in either black or yellow, donated by HeadShot.
48. Gone - to Juggernaut Wolf Eyes M90 Rattlesnake with Lumens Factory LED dropin, tailcap remote switch for weapons, and regular tail as well, donated by medieval.
49. Gone - to legtu JETBeam C-LE v1.2, donated by medieval.
50. Gone - to FlashBanger 2008 Inova XO, donated by NightFlyer.
51. Gone - to MikhailO Rayovac Sportsman Xtreme 2xAA LED, donated by NightFlyer.
52. Gone - to andrewx490 Lumapower MRV, donated by DonShock.
53. Gone - to Cosmo7809 Elektrolumens XM-3 2AA 3W, donated by PlayboyJoeShmoe.
54. Gone - to clg0159 Fenix P1 1x123 LUXIII, donated by PlayboyJoeShmoe.
55. Gone - to Bruce B Surefire G2 LED, new but opened to test, will ship without batteries, donated by Braddah_Bill.
56. Gone - to rala Brinkmann Maxfire LX (Target version with belt holster) NIB, donated by Fizz753.
57. Gone - to cyberspyder Streamlight ProPoly Luxeon 4AA, donated by Not So Bright.
58. Gone - to whitedoom34 Surefire M6 Millennium Series Magnumlight, 3x17670 Rechargeable M6 Battery Holder , 3xAW17670 batteries, 2xAW-139 Dual Bay Fast Chargers, Bi Pin Socket for MN lamp assembly, 3xWA01111 bulbs, SureFire M6 heat-sink, MN21 lamp, 123 battery holder, donated by ksbman.
59. Gone - to D-Dog Olight M20 Warrior Premium, LNIB, donated by divine.
60. Gone - to kevin_d'marie Fenix P3D CE (not Q5), I don't see one scratch or ding on it, used a couple times, donated by divine.
61. Removed per request.
62. Gone - to D-Dog Eveready Double Barrel 4AAA, Red, Not a scratch on the metal or the head, just a few cleaning scratches on the plastic lens, donated by jusval.
63. Gone - to farmall Mystery Gift #1, donated by mr.squatch.
64. Gone - to Cosmo7809 Mystery Gift #2, donated by mr.squatch.
65. Gone - to MikhailO Mystery Gift #3, donated by mr.squatch.
66. Gone - to clg0159 Mystery Gift #4, donated by mr.squatch.
67. Gone - to sims2k Mystery Gift #5, donated by mr.squatch.
68. Gone - to Moka Inova XO from about 2005,Tiros model, Fairly neutral beam, donated by PlayboyJoeShmoe.

I'd like to thank all the Santas who donated a gift for the give-away. :thanks: :candle: :clap: :thumbsup: :rock: :twothumbs: :bow: :goodjob:

RULES- Don't take a light just because it is free. If you have no use for what is available when it is your turn to choose, leave it for the next person. Please be considerate.

The first person on the list picks which light he wants and posts his choice. The second person then makes his choice from what's left and posts what he's chosen. And so on.

Once we get to the bottom of the list there will still be a few lights left over. We'll just run the list again, this time in reverse order, starting from the bottom and working up until all the lights are gone.

I will update the list to reflect what's been chosen already, but you don't have to wait on me. Just read the post ahead of yours and choose accordingly.

The process will take a few days because I won't notify you when it's your turn. You'll just have to check the thread to see when you're up. In the past, the people on the list below a slowpoke will PM/e-mail that person, several times.

If it has been your turn for 24 hours and you haven't chosen yet, you will be skipped over. If you have been skipped, you can choose whenever you do show back up.

After you've chosen a light, send an e-mail or PM with your address to the person who donated the light and we'll mail your light to you.

And it's not too late to be added to the bottom of the list if you qualify.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! :santa:


I spent several hours yesterday making up the list. It's not an easy job. :hairpull:

Had it all done yesterday noon, then my fricken 2 week old Dell XPS 630i crapped out and wouldn't re-boot. :mecry:

Tried calling Dell, got hung up on 5 times.

Spent the next 3 hours troubleshooting with Dell (India) on-line through my old computer, no help.

Spent another hour and a half running the dell diagnostic, no help.

During the next hour, waiting for the "I'll call you back in 10 minutes" I unplugged the main hard drive, loaded Vista onto the second hard drive, and it booted up.

Spent the next two hours loading and setting up everything on the new hard drive.

My beautiful list from yesterday....still on the first hard drive.

I went to bed. :sleepy:

So now I have to make the list all over again. I have my PM's and some e-mails still on the hotmail server, but I'm short 7 lights. Something somewhere got deleted.

So I'm going to make the list with what I have. Maybe, probably, after people start choosing, someone is going to say "Hey! How come the light I donated is not on the list?"

At that time I'm going to add it to the list. And if someone already chose a gift, but would have wanted that one instead....Sorry, Too Bad. That's the way it's going to have to be this year.

So, I'll be back in a few hours, ready to go.


This is year six for the Christmas Give-away and this year I'm doing it the same way as last couple years.

I asked other CPF members to donate a light (or whatever) that they are not using, and have received replies from a few good CPF'ers.

Friday, November 28th, I will post, in random order, the names of those whom ask to be considered in this thread. Those people will then be able to choose a donated light, one at a time, starting from the top of the list.

Here are my rules-

-This offer is open to those active members of the CPF community who cannot afford to buy one of these lights themselves, whether it be because they have no job, no disposable income, are still in school, or ?.

- If you have a few 'high end' lights, but don't have any cash at the moment, you don't qualify.
- If you just don't want to spend your own money, you don't qualify.
- If you just want another light to add to your collection, you don't qualify.
- If you aren't registered at CPF before this post, you don't qualify.
- If you haven't posted at CPF in the last 6 months before this post, you don't qualify.

PLEASE do not ask to be considered just because you do not want to spend your own money. Let someone who truly is in need have a chance to get a light.

I won't mention what lights are available until November 28th.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
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Re: Christmas Gifts VI

I always like to see this thread year after year, a great way to kick off the holiday season :santa:

Re: Christmas Gifts VI

I've only been registered for two years but this thread always makes me smile. It's hard to find such a large group of people, many of whom have never met each other, who are so willing to give and help each other.

Thanks to ksbman and everyone who donated!
Re: Christmas Gifts VI

Well, I guess I am the first to ask to be considered. I am now a freshman in college paying way too much a year (being out of state certainly doesn't help :shakehead) to be here (Penn State University Park), which means disposable income is nil. In fact, the last light I acquired was the Streamlight I chose on last year's thread...that's right...I haven't been able to purchase a new light in a full year :-( Anyways, as of right now I only have 4 lights to my name and one of them (my R500 from 2 years back) has a damaged reflector (darn bulb explosion). I don't want any sympathy for my plight, however, I once again as to be respectfully included in this give-away. Maybe if I scrap together a few extra dollars I can donate a light too :)

If only being a 'flashaholic' could be as easy as some of you make it out to be :p
Re: Christmas Gifts VI

I would love to be considered in this as well! I am pretty new here but have been browsing these forums everyday in search of a great first light. I really love this forum, this is an amazing activity you put on so thank you very much!

Re: Christmas Gifts VI


I would love to be considered in this as well! I am pretty new here but have been browsing these forums everyday in search of a great first light. I really love this forum, this is an amazing activity you put on so thank you very much!

Re: Christmas Gifts VI

I would like to be considered :)

I don't have any decent lights yet since im still in school and don't have a paypal account.

Been on here loads looking for my first one though.
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Re: Christmas Gifts VI

I would like to be considered too. I'm pretty new, but lurked a little before finally signing up. :) Before I came here, I thought I had a couple of nice lights. Now, it seems my 4D Maglite and 2AA Minimag are mainly good for modding. :p Should I feel bad that I no longer think the lights my parents got for me are that good? I feel guilty. :( Anyway, I'm still looking for a 'good' light!
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Re: Christmas Gifts VI

I may have not been a member of this particular forum for very long, but I am a active member at CPF marketplace. (Registered in same username: KevinD'Marie)

Do i qualify??

If I do then I would like to get a flashlight for my dad who is a maintenance worker.

The one that was given to him was bulky and cumbersome and is no help to his work at all. (He monitors various pipes in buildings)

I was hoping i could replace that one with something smaller and brighter.


Kevin D'marie
Re: Christmas Gifts VI

I would love to be considered in this as well, I'm a college student now with no job, so this would be amazing for me. I've been a part of this forum for a few years now, but don't have any lights. College has put a huge strain on my financial situation :(.

Re: Christmas Gifts VI

Hello, my name is Daniel Coble, Im 16 and a sophmore in highschool. I live on a farm so I work but my pay goes to the credit card companies. I would really appreciate being included in your Christmas giveaway. I really appreciate you giving of your time to organize this cpf event and even if I dont qualify I would like to say thank you.

Daniel Coble
o hai guys!


Hi, I'm 15, live in Australia and go to a selective public school (i.e. intellectually gifted but not a rich background) I lurk this forum a lot, post very rarely. I don't have a job, must have handed in resumes to 50 shops now but no call or email back. I can't simply ask my parents for money unlike some of my girl friends (friends who are girls! =P) who simply ask and their dad hands them a 50. x.x

My most expensive light is a $30 DealExtreme light, and a purple MiniMag. The sort of things I had in mind were a stock Mag 2D, maybe one of the lower-end Fenix's. If anyone has a stock SF 6P that would be fantastic! But seriously, I'll take anything and I'll be happy. And if something I receive turns up in the Marketplace, may my face turn yellow and my limbs fall off!

don't you love christmas, the thought of unconditional compassion for others makes me feel all warm inside.
Re: Christmas Gifts VI

If I qualify, I would like to be considered in this too. I'm a high school student with no job (yet). Iv'e been looking at this forum for a long time now, but just joined a litte while ago.

Iv'e been looking for a first flashlight for awhile now, and would love to recieve one for christmas!

This is a great opportunity this forum puts on, and it would be great if I could be apart of it.
Re: Christmas Gifts VI

I'm making a little over minimum wage, my fiance got laid off and we have a newborn son who racked up thousands in hospital bills. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs and I'd like to be considered this year!
Re: Christmas Gifts VI

I'm making a little over minimum wage, my fiance got laid off and we have a newborn son who racked up thousands in hospital bills. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs and I'd like to be considered this year!
You've got my vote (if there was such a thing, despite the random # drawing intended to be used). Keep your head up brother.
Re: Christmas Gifts VI

Carbine15 has been a member here for quite a long time and has enriched the community with his knowledge. I too would like to see him win a light
Re: Christmas Gifts VI

I was on the fence about this initially, but I'd like to be considered this year as well. I'm a junior at college, working seasonal (summer and winter) to pay for school and rent. I do have a few "quality" lights, but save up my money and choose after doing alot of research in the reviews section. I love this forum, nowhere else have I found this kind of generosity.

I'd like to share a story about Christmas Gifts V last year. I was the lucky recipient of Carrots Arc AAA, which immediately graced my keychain a soon as it arrived in the mail, and still does to this day. The day after, I went to work and a fellow coworker rushed up to me and in a panicked voice, asked if I could help him look for a pill he dropped under the lockers in the employees lounge. He is a very nice man who has M.S. and couldn't easily bend down to look. I took out the Arc, and within seconds I had found the pill which had rolled back far underneath the lockers. I grabbed a pencil and fished it out for him. He thanked me and I went to go clock in. I'm still thinking about the odds that I walked in at that exact minute and wonder what would have happened if I weren't scheduled that day. I was the only other employee in the break room at that time; I'm just glad I was prepared.
Re: Christmas Gifts VI

Everybody gets a light. :)

The random order decides who gets to pick first, second, etc.
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