Clip solution for NiteCore Defender Infinity?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 20, 2010
I love my NDI, and even though I do like the lanyard system it comes with, I'd like the option of a bezel down clip.

Is there anything available that will fit and work well for this?

Let me know, and pics would be awesome. Post 'em if you got 'em! :thumbsup:
I have a Defender, I also have the D10-

With the D10, you can get a clip kit, everything included for like $5-

both use AA batteries, but I like the D10 MUCH, MUCH MORE!!
It has a piston drive (I think that is what it is called), anyhow, you can control the light one handed, by using the button. I like that a LOT MORE than the Defender, easier to use and has a clip.

Just a thought for you to get a clip on a AA light and have it easier to use at the same time:)
I love my NDI, and even though I do like the lanyard system it comes with, I'd like the option of a bezel down clip.

Is there anything available that will fit and work well for this?

Let me know, and pics would be awesome. Post 'em if you got 'em! :thumbsup:
maglite clips work well the aa version with a little tweeking with some plyers and the jobs a gooden.
THIS clip will work ... I'm using it myself.
It's a robust clip that grips quite snug to the body.

I'm curious - Is there still enough clearance between the back of the clip and the bottom of the light to tailstand on your D10?

Doubt it, the upper loop on the LD10 clip is pretty substantial (don't have mine here to measure sorry) and the very end of the D10 isn't all that big.
What about a TEC p-7 suspension clip (available from lighthound)? It does not attach directly to the light--the light or whatever connects via a splitring to the clip, allowing for very deep carry. Very flexible solution--I use this for my quark, preon, arc, etc.