CMG Infinity and Infinity Ultra's found!


Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2007
I have no connection to the source of these lights other than having placed a couple orders with her. She was able to provide me with CMG Infinity Ultras and Infinity lights :eek:. I have been looking for these lights for a while and it brought be to this forum and several others.
Ocasionally I see it in print these these lights are "no longer available"....well, they are least for now(yeah I know Gerber bought CMG and dismantled the tooling for the old style lights :scowl:). I bought 11 Ultras and a blue/green Infinity for me, family friends etc. I have another oder in for more now.
No, these are by far not the brightest lights out there....and I really don't care! I love these little lights. They are the right light for 95% of my needs. They are "task lighst" not a light cannons. Battery life is awesome....and they are indeed tough as nails!

I did find some old stock Infinnity lights in Blue and Yellow at another source. These are a little older and the packages were shop worn but I bought several yellows for $10.each (Sorry threre are no more of those left.) Several of the yellows had the "black dot" contact. 2 had the flat spring contact and all were powder coated black not anodized. Yellow is not as bright as white but it seems to allow me to keep some night vision. Reading a book seems a little easyer with yellow light too. I have not been able to find any red ones :confused:. The Infinity has a 41 hour to peak rating verses the 25 hour to peak for the Ultra.
All of the lights that I have gotten from the source I am going to link below were for the Ultras and black for the Infinity that I got. All of the contacts in these were the newer gold colored contact and the clam shell packaging was like new....they were even shipped in a CMG box.
I'm still looking for a Infinity UltraG ....and I'm hoping someone will have some pity on me and sell me one for a reasonable price for my services in finding these lights. :grin2:

Anway this is the CMG light lady: [email protected]
I'll try and post a picture in another post.
Here is a cut and paste from her Email to me:

CMG Infinity $17 each plus shipping
Black housing-- green light
Black Housing-- Blue/Green light
Black Housing-- Blue light
Blue housing-- white light (several available for immediate shipping)
silver housing-- white light

the CMG Ultras are only available in Forrest Green housing white light like in the thread. $22 each plus shipping. :)+

I can get any of the lights within a couple days. :) And you are correct, they are the Original CMG lights. :)

I hope someone finds this useful!
Are you aware that there is a difference between the "new Infinity" made by Gerber and the old Infinities made by CMG?
I have one of the new Gerbers. The switch is in the tail cap and it comes unscrewed in your pocket if something is attached to it. You can not turn it on with the same hand that is holding it. It feels cheap. Its slightly larger. I has springs in it which can be over compressed, come unattached etc.
On the plus side for the new design: there is no battery rattle like in the CMG design. I cure 90% of the rattle in the CMG design with a piece of paper which remains in the light even when changing the battery.
Now as for the pictures on Ebay of the CMG design....well that is bow I got the Gerber which lives on my wife's key chain. Its a clasic bait and switch. What you oder is NOT what you get. I took the time to Email all the sellers on Ebay and inqire as to which actual design they were selling when they used the old CMG picture. 100 % of those whom answered my question said their picture was out of date and they were selling the new design. Picking through Google and some old message forums lead me to the lights that I bought....but it sure took a while.
But I'm going to go check Ebay just in case there is something that I missed :)
I am aware of the difference. You're absolutely right; all the IU's I've found on eBay are Gerber, not CMG.
I should have read your post more carefully before replying. Sorry about that :) problem at all.
I guess I beating a dead horse on this CMG light issue... but I'm just happy to have found a supply of these things for my own personal use.
I ordered enough lights for family and friends to reduce my shipping to a very low level per light. I spent a lot of time looking for the lights and from what I have read here others would like the chance to buy some I decided to share. I'm impressed with the quality of the posters here on this forum. That might be because most of my experience on forums has been on stock investing forums where everyone has an EGO and an AGENDA. I'm probably not going to be a regular poster because I'm unlikely to get too deep in the collecting of flashlights....its just too expensive :-( I am very interested in LEDs because my largest stock holding is CREE and has been for years and years. I have been to the last 6 shareholder meetings and might attend the 7th this comming Nov. 1st
I would still like to find an Infinity UltraG (or 2:) I might offer a trade on the barter part of this forum.... I have several of the flashlights CREE gave away at the 05 shareholder meeting. They are aluminum and use either 1 or 2 123 lithium cells. They are NOT extremely bright lights(and I do not want to represent them as such)... but they seem very well made with a tail click switch and a lense with rings on it which make the light have a larger flood and less of a spot output.
These lights were given out in 2005 which was fairly early in CREE's interest in the flashlight industry (or was that the begining of the flashlight industry's interest in CREE?:)...and maybe they might have some collector value to some?? They have the CREE logo in white on the side of the light. I'll get around to posting a pic at some point. I have all the CREE packaging too. I would offer a 2 cell light because I only have one 1 cell light. Sorry for the "book" just rambling along on a Sat. night I guess.
Ultra-G's show up on CPFMP (CPF marketplace) from time to time. If you post a WTB (want to buy) over there you can probably find one in the $30-35 range. You might be able to trade your Cree lights or sell them over there. My guess is they're worth more as collectables than an Ultra-G is worth.
"My guess is they're worth more as collectables than an Ultra-G is worth."

That is what I was thinking. I'm only willing to part with one.
I'm hoping we get another nice toy at the show this year :party:

I can guarantee it will be something different (if we get a light at all sometimes we don't). I have a whole collection of little CREE squeeze lights that came with blue LEDs when blue was such a shocking color for LEDs...a bunch of phontons with "CREE" printed on them on one side.... a little keychain with a blue LED and a stack of button batteries inside....
The light I speak of from 2005 is bar far the nicest of all. CREE "golf shirts" are nice too and might be available from the company web site? I'm not sure. I have never seen LEDs or flashlights for sale on the site though.

One of the techs was nice enough to send me a little bag of LEDs to play with one year. It was kind of funny I was talking to Chuck (the CEO) and at the time CREE was not an LED packager...only a chip and wafer maker and because of this it was more difficult to find "CREE" LEDs. Many packagers sold LEDs with CREE's chips inside but the only way to be sure the 5mm LEDs were CREE was to look inside and see if there was one or two top contacts. CREE LEDs at the time were still on an SiC substrate and as SiC is conductive only one top contact was needed.
Now it has all changed. SiC is still a superior substrate because of lattice match I'm told but is is often removed in the making of the LED...but CREE is a packager now and its LEDs are often marketed as "CREE" LEDs. CREE has finally become a branded thing. I think partly thanks to folks like you people that recognize the quality of the product. At first the company thought of flashlights as a niche market but then suddenly came a Surefire contract announcement at a anual meeting and now its seems they have embraced the flashlight market.
.....anyhow Chuck starts patting his pockets and says I don't seem to have any LEDs on me and points to Jeff standing behind a display against the wall. I walked over to him and pointed back to Chuck and in a few days he sent me some LEDs. :D Nothing amazing or anything but a nice gesture. The people of CREE are nice folks. Their stock has been mishandled over the years and its been a long row to hoe as a shareholder... but I'm hopeful that is has turned the corner. Now as for the market in general :faint: ....I'm not real happy about Fridays plunge.:mecry:
This person whom I contacted when lookinf for CMG lights got back to me with this offer. Its open to anyone interested.
I have a couple yellows and a couple blue/greens and I don't need any more in these colors. (I'm going to post this on "Knife Forums" too).... just trying to help the guy out and thought some of you might be interested.

He has no Infinity Ultras.

Tim <[email protected]> wrote:

If you're interested, I have 3 yellow, and 4 green CMG Infinity LED light left. I'll give them to you for just $11.00 each, plus $9.95 shipping (for the whole lot)

Best Regards,

Yucca Dune, Inc.
Outdoor Adventures
148 E. 1st Street
Valentine, NE 69201

i like the old style for its simplicity, and I am keeping a couple of the ultra-G for historical sake. but as far as moddings go, I find the gerber version to be much easier to take apart.

Good Find!

dcbeane - pm incoming.

Edit - forget the PM, email sent - I'll be able to read that at work..
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Don't understand if this is a group buy thing or not, but I'm in for a green (or whatever it takes to make the deal).
I have nothing to do with the deal.
You folks can work it out among each other and contact the guy with his Email address....through his website or whatever.

He took the time to Email me and tell me what he has in stock (I do not need what he has) so I offerd to post it on this forum so you folks would know about it. I also posted it on Knife forums.
I'm just trying to be helpful in my limited way as I have been reading these forums for information off and on for a few years.

This lady (not the same as the seller with the green and yellow lot above)has CMG blue/green Infinity (and other colors except RED) Lights for $17. and I have bought Ultras from her too for $22. [email protected]
dcbeane, thanks. I appreciate the information and your effort to share it. Just wasn't clear about exactly what was going on -- not an unusual state for me.

I don't have time to try to put a small group buy together, but will participate if someone else does. In for at least one green.
I think [email protected] will sell you a Green or a Blue/Green Infinity for about $17.
The lights that I have gotten from her have all been the gold contact newer version of CMG's lights...and were anodized not powder coated like the early production lights. Make sure you ask for the orginal CMG Infinity.

The advantage of the deal from the other guy is the $11. cost (each) and the $9.95 total shipping on all lights together.
I'd skip the Blue by the way its just not that bright.
I'm currious as to which is brighter the Green or the Blue/Green? Anyone know?? I have 2 Blue/Greens ( mine are not for sale)

The post above to me from ACMarina concerns a private trade not any of the deals or sources I have found and posted here.

Have a great day!

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