I have no connection to the source of these lights other than having placed a couple orders with her. She was able to provide me with CMG Infinity Ultras and Infinity lights
. I have been looking for these lights for a while and it brought be to this forum and several others.
Ocasionally I see it in print these these lights are "no longer available"....well, they are ...at least for now(yeah I know Gerber bought CMG and dismantled the tooling for the old style lights :scowl
. I bought 11 Ultras and a blue/green Infinity for me, family friends etc. I have another oder in for more now.
No, these are by far not the brightest lights out there....and I really don't care! I love these little lights. They are the right light for 95% of my needs. They are "task lighst" not a light cannons. Battery life is awesome....and they are indeed tough as nails!
I did find some old stock Infinnity lights in Blue and Yellow at another source. These are a little older and the packages were shop worn but I bought several yellows for $10.each (Sorry threre are no more of those left.) Several of the yellows had the "black dot" contact. 2 had the flat spring contact and all were powder coated black not anodized. Yellow is not as bright as white but it seems to allow me to keep some night vision. Reading a book seems a little easyer with yellow light too. I have not been able to find any red ones
. The Infinity has a 41 hour to peak rating verses the 25 hour to peak for the Ultra.
All of the lights that I have gotten from the source I am going to link below were anodized....green for the Ultras and black for the Infinity that I got. All of the contacts in these were the newer gold colored contact and the clam shell packaging was like new....they were even shipped in a CMG box.
I'm still looking for a Infinity UltraG ....and I'm hoping someone will have some pity on me and sell me one for a reasonable price for my services in finding these lights.
Anway this is the CMG light lady: [email protected]
I'll try and post a picture in another post.
Here is a cut and paste from her Email to me:
CMG Infinity $17 each plus shipping
Black housing-- green light
Black Housing-- Blue/Green light
Black Housing-- Blue light
Blue housing-- white light (several available for immediate shipping)
silver housing-- white light
the CMG Ultras are only available in Forrest Green housing white light like in the thread. $22 each plus shipping.
I can get any of the lights within a couple days.
And you are correct, they are the Original CMG lights. 
I hope someone finds this useful!
Ocasionally I see it in print these these lights are "no longer available"....well, they are ...at least for now(yeah I know Gerber bought CMG and dismantled the tooling for the old style lights :scowl
No, these are by far not the brightest lights out there....and I really don't care! I love these little lights. They are the right light for 95% of my needs. They are "task lighst" not a light cannons. Battery life is awesome....and they are indeed tough as nails!
I did find some old stock Infinnity lights in Blue and Yellow at another source. These are a little older and the packages were shop worn but I bought several yellows for $10.each (Sorry threre are no more of those left.) Several of the yellows had the "black dot" contact. 2 had the flat spring contact and all were powder coated black not anodized. Yellow is not as bright as white but it seems to allow me to keep some night vision. Reading a book seems a little easyer with yellow light too. I have not been able to find any red ones
All of the lights that I have gotten from the source I am going to link below were anodized....green for the Ultras and black for the Infinity that I got. All of the contacts in these were the newer gold colored contact and the clam shell packaging was like new....they were even shipped in a CMG box.
I'm still looking for a Infinity UltraG ....and I'm hoping someone will have some pity on me and sell me one for a reasonable price for my services in finding these lights.

Anway this is the CMG light lady: [email protected]
I'll try and post a picture in another post.
Here is a cut and paste from her Email to me:
CMG Infinity $17 each plus shipping
Black housing-- green light
Black Housing-- Blue/Green light
Black Housing-- Blue light
Blue housing-- white light (several available for immediate shipping)
silver housing-- white light
the CMG Ultras are only available in Forrest Green housing white light like in the thread. $22 each plus shipping.
I can get any of the lights within a couple days.
I hope someone finds this useful!