Newly Enlightened
Well, I re-designed my LT1308B booster board to fit inside this aluminum flashlight.
It actually ended up quite nice, and the thick brass plate screwed into the aluminum body does a very good job of heatsinking!
Advantages are:
<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> Constant current design gives constant brightness for entire lifetime of batteries (down to 0.46V/cell) without overdriving Luxeon
<LI> Luxeon mounting gives good heatsinking to case of flashlight, so no overheating
<LI> Easy mods to flashlight mechanically: drill/tap 2 4-40 screw holes, one more hole (in brass), trim end of reflector
<LI> Parts run about $10-$12 (need to make up a parts list)
Details and pictures are here on my web site, but would one of you with a mod site like to grab these? I really don't want the traffic on my home server...
It actually ended up quite nice, and the thick brass plate screwed into the aluminum body does a very good job of heatsinking!
Advantages are:
<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> Constant current design gives constant brightness for entire lifetime of batteries (down to 0.46V/cell) without overdriving Luxeon
<LI> Luxeon mounting gives good heatsinking to case of flashlight, so no overheating
<LI> Easy mods to flashlight mechanically: drill/tap 2 4-40 screw holes, one more hole (in brass), trim end of reflector
<LI> Parts run about $10-$12 (need to make up a parts list)
Details and pictures are here on my web site, but would one of you with a mod site like to grab these? I really don't want the traffic on my home server...