Color Kinetics dumps LumiLEDs Luxeon for CREE


Feb 18, 2004
Oregon- United States of America
Cree supplies RGB

In an unrelated announcement, Cree is supplying red, green and blue XLamp LEDs for Color Kinetics' Color Blast products. These replace devices previously supplied by Lumileds.

"Color Kinetics continually evaluates advancements in LED technology to build high-performance systems around the optimal devices according to application," said Fritz Morgan, Color Kinetics VP of engineering. "We’re pleased to incorporate the XLamp 7090 series in several new lighting systems, based on intensity gains, tight color and intensity binning, and ease of use in the manufacturing process and in developing optics."
NewBie said:
tight color and intensity binning, and ease of use in the manufacturing process and in developing optics."

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There is more here than meets the eye, so to speak. I applied for a job with CK, (did not get it), but in the process, I studied their IP positions and their SEC filings. Cree was an early investor in CK and still a substantial stock holder.

Yes, I do like the Cree parts, but let's face it, if they could not crack this account, they could not crack anybody. My 9 year old could have closed that deal.
Maybe you missed the point HarryN.

Color Kinetics is one of the largest users of LumiLEDs Luxeons in the USA...

This news on top of the blow delivered by OSRAM, has to hurt...

Only thing for LumiLEDs to blame, is themselves.

Hi Newbie - Yes, I do get your point and I agree with the concept of competition - My point is that CK is virtually an "in house" account for Cree. I mean come on, Cree owns a real chunk of CK, having LL supplying LEDs has to be challenging.

CK is really just a front for selling Cree LEDs and Chinese made light fixtures.
HarryN said:
Hi Newbie - Yes, I do get your point and I agree with the concept of competition - My point is that CK is virtually an "in house" account for Cree. I mean come on, Cree owns a real chunk of CK, having LL supplying LEDs has to be challenging.

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Actually, Color Kinetics had been using the LumiLEDs devices long before CREE got into the game.

At that point, CREE was mainly a foundary, making SiC die for manufacturers around the world.

The bottom just fell out of your wet paper bag...

Anyhow, here are some wonderful examples of the millions of LEDs Color Kinetics has done around the world:

I'd really like to go see this sometime:
Actually, Color Kinetics had been using the LumiLEDs devices long before CREE got into the game.

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Can`t think of anything before the Color Blast series that CK made, that use high power LEDs, started out with the C75/200 which was respective numbers in 5mm`s. The Northwest Airlines tunnel looks like iCove which uses Agilent `Godzilla` oval LEDs.

CK do now employ some top brains:

But can`t say I`m a fan, the affadavits make interesting reading:


to add, mebbe should think more about your, Newbie`s, advice to hold off buying the Lumileds parts until either the fresh ones are out, or growing staler ones fall in price;-)

Yes, CK is very busy trying to defend their patents...

Can't say that quite a number of them are not very obvious...or been done before...

Meanwhile, Lawyers are getting very rich.
NewBie said:
Thats the quote from the Color Kinetics VP of Engineering, not me...

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Newbie : I did not point you. Sorry.

I've got VERY inetersted what would be happen between CK,LML and of course CREE.

I just recalled, as we heard, that CK is trying to get patent on Color Changing technology. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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