Colored leds for the ARC AAA

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Sep 15, 2006
Province of Antwerp / Belgium

Being an avid user of gen3 ARC AAA colored leds, is there any chance ARC will be marketing colored leds again?:mecry:

Especially the red and the green leds.


Kind regards,
With the new Arc-UV coming out soon I get some new hope that there will be more colors in the near future.

Therefore also for me +1 for a RED Arc-AAA.
I've still got three of the red-orange AAAs in regular carry use, especially now as we come up to the equinox and my walk home is after sunset already; I recollect you didn't like the red-orange LED you had at the time, it puts out a narrow spot beam with a + or squarish spot (very handy for finding the cat at night; not much spread though).

But these do stop traffic nicely by making drivers notice pedestrian-in-crosswalk. I never got one of the darker red ones.

If you were taking preferences (I know you're not and you do have more important things to do and I _have_ been saving my money for those things)

I'd want: amber/yellow; cyan/green; astronomy deep red; red-orange, in that order of purchase.

Or a kit ....

I would also like a Arc AAA in amber for camping because the color is soft on the eyes and won't disturb your night vision as much.
Maybe not a full production line, but what about limited runs of colored LED's? I imagine you would have no trouble selling out lots of 100-500 special colored Arc's at a premium of +$10 over standard.
> we are smarter now
> Jori

He's right, you know, Gransee (grin) ....

Amber, dreaming ....
+1 for red led option. I think red would be useful when you are not in a city and need to preserve your night vision instead of becoming completely dependent on your white led flashlight once you turn it on. I know I will buy one and I wasn't around for the first offering.

I also know a blue light is good for stage managers because it bleeds the least.

I know its been said that there isn't enough demand but if it is shown there is...
+1 for red led option. I think red would be useful when you are not in a city and need to preserve your night vision instead of becoming completely dependent on your white led flashlight once you turn it on. I know I will buy one and I wasn't around for the first offering.

I know its been said that there isn't enough demand but if it is shown there is...

I wasn't around for the first offering eather....Im in for a Red one

We should put a list together to see what everyone wants .....just to see if the demand is there

1. nyyankeefen- 1 red
I didn't realize the colored ARC's were in such demand. I've got a mint, like new, green LED ARC AAA and have thought about selling it. Now that I think about it, I've only been here a short while but I don't recall ever seeing one for sell on B/S/T. I always considered them to be more of a novelty as I prefer to have a blinding white light. I've never been in a situation where I cared about ruining my night vision, but that's just me. From all of the requests I've seen from people asking for something with a colored LED, usually red or green, to save their night vision I can't believe a new run wouldn't sell well, especially if it was a limited batch.
I'm also interested in colored LED arcs.. I would definitely buy 1 red LED light (a deep red for night vision, not an orange red) and one green LED light if they became available.
I love Arc AAA colors. :twothumbs


Not only are "we" smarter, some of us weren't around back then. Looking through old posts it does seem that a lot of folks are interested in colors (and it also seems that they don't go away). Perhaps a new survey would prove worthwhile.
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