Colour difference between Nichia a,b,c tint?


Jan 31, 2002
ex South Africa now SoCal
The Nichia NSPW500BS comes out in three colurs of white namely a,b and c.
Can anyone out there tell me the actual perceived colour by the human eye of these three different colours?

A Nichia rep gave me these figures.

A - 10,000K
B - 6,500K
C - 5,000K
D - 3,000K

A sunny day at around noon is said to be around 5000-5500K.

Large hardware stores may have fluorescent tubes of different colour temperatures in action. It'll give you a good indication of the colour temp of the various Nichia LEDs.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Streak:
Thanks for the replies.
Next question. As an LED flashlight, which would be the most preferable colour?

One of the sub-groups in the B-rank. Color rank B1, brightness rank S gives the best brightness & color compromise of all available combinations. Warmer color temperatures (ranks C and D) usually mean you get a dimmer LED. Rank A is just too blue to be pleasing to the eye in many cases, especially noticeable when the device is substantially overdriven. And rank C tends to lean toward being too greenish or yellowish, and noticeably dimmer than A or B.
Rank D has a distinct pale yellow color, and were originally manufactured to fill a custom order, rather than being available as a general purpose part. At last check, there were approximately 200,000 of these left, and they are available if you ask for them.