Come to the church of light and darkness and confess your sins


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2000
Central Florida
I made some serious purchases in March Madness. Sure Fire E2e, E1 and a used 9P. Plus an HA M2 bezel, E2e bezel (free really), 12 SF123A, 2 V82's, 2 MN03's and one MN01. I figured what little extra money I had available. It totaled a little under what I needed for planned purchases. But I figured I could skip a few lunches and turn off the AC in the car

So what do I see at Target while looking for swimming stuff for the kids? A Vector Ultra Sport Spot. On clearance for $24! "No" I tell myself, "'s only $5 off. I already have a spotlight." OK, I can wait until the next paycheck, I thought. But it could be gone by then...

I have no control. I'm $24 in the hole and wondering if my gas will last until payday.
Lets March I got a Surefire M4, CPF Arc AAA, yellow Arc AAA, 2 white Arc AAAs, about 30 Glowrings, another(!) green laser pointer, and about 4 12V MR16 halogen lamps for the rechargeable lantern monstrosity I'm attempting to build..
I think I covered a bit of everything this month..

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DavidW:
...I made some serious purchases in March Madness. Sure Fire E2e, E1 and a used 9P...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Where did you get that used 9P and, if you don't mind my asking, how much was it?

Let's see here. I bought a CPF member edition Arc-AAA, and an Arc-LS "second"; and by then my wallet was circling the drain. While buying office supplies, I passed a baskt that had Energizer Double Barrels and some funky keychain LED lights in it. So I bought one of each. I then went back and bought another Double Barrel to ship off to Australia, and then went out of town to pick up a Brinkmann Rebel to go along with the DB. Then I picked up a Mini-Mag 2-AA to replace the one I apparently lost. Needed that to test a "Flashlight Tuner" replacement tailpiece that I had received in the mail several days earlier. And I don't even remember what else I may have bought. :-/

This doesn't even count the many lights and several knives that have shown up in the mail in the last 30 days. This is only what I paid for out of my own moth-filled wallet.

Needless to say, I'm flat busted broke for the forseeable future. This may end up being one of those months I end up having to choose between bread and toilet paper by the 10th. But we'll see.
I'm still recovering from my trip to Vegas to the "Torch-Show" as the people I know call it (SHOT Show 2002 to those that think they know better)...

I spent £1500 and I didn't even buy any flashlights while I was there!! That's a total lie - I got some Photons, but nothing you know, SureFire-ish.

Of course I've got a few things since I've been back.

The good thing is that my N-Certified Millenniums aren't gonna happen because of the new product releases later this year. I've got some recovery time [to save]

I got the used 9P from Tim Flanagan for $75 plus $3.63 f/shipping. I saw it in the BUY/SELL/TRADE forum. It's a much older one. It has the tailcap with the almost flush push button. Here it is with an M2 bezel I got to play around with. What you can't see is I put a beamshaper from the E2/E1 series filter inside.

I got the E2e bezel (P/N 14370-1) as a sample from Sure Fire because there was no price set at the time I tried to order it. It's currently on my E2. I really like this setup without the clip. It goes in and out of the SFV82 holster much better.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DavidW:
I got the used 9P from Tim Flanagan for $75 plus $3.63 f/shipping. I saw it in the BUY/SELL/TRADE forum. It's a much older one. It has the tailcap with the almost flush push button. Here it is with an M2 bezel I got to play around with. What you can't see is I put a beamshaper from the E2/E1 series filter inside.

I got the E2e bezel (P/N 14370-1) as a sample from Sure Fire because there was no price set at the time I tried to order it. It's currently on my E2. I really like this setup without the clip. It goes in and out of the SFV82 holster much better.

Thanks David.

Yes, it's the 3" Turbo Head. Otherwise I would have ignored the post josh made at the SFDB. There were two left. He got one and I got the last one. I never thought to ask if they had any 6PT's or 9PT's left. Here's their number:

Ver Sales: 1-800-229-0518
I have purchased only one flashlight this year, which means I now have a grand total of 2 flashlights. On the other hand I've bought about 5 halogen bulbs in my attempts to build a super bright light system for my bike.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kogatana:
My engineer nephew said something that sounded interesting when last I spoke with him. If I bought a M6 and a separate M6 body and battery pack, he might be able to build a better M6 with longer run time and with a length shorter that the Magcharger...
is this idea possible? Is this young man's idea gonna hold H2O?


I'm not really mod-knowledgeable, but if we're talking about a complete M6 plus an additional "torso" and battery pack, perhaps he means to join the two bodies together and run the two battery packs in parallel so as to significantly increase runtime using the same lamp. Even if he succeeded, wouldn't that be an extraordinarily expensive flashlight?

I suspect that some of our Flashaholics might be able to come up with a less expensive alternative.

As stated elsewhere...

Purchased since March 21...

Surefire M2
Inova X5
Eternalight Xray (should be arriving soon)

I am Brian and I am a flashaholic....
sorry david, i tempted you with yet another purchase, but the T1 is an investment
. the MR-16, i have changed more of those than i can count, they use them for interior spot lights(in the ceilings of office bld's)and they get soooo hot
. i would also like to make a monster of a light,i want to use my portable 12V car battery jump starter,this thing should hold a lot of run time. LATER
March purchases:

CPF Arc, 24 SF123As, E1 bulb, F04 Beamshaper, dinner for the wife because of the above.
lets see within the last month?

CPF arc
turquoise ev arc
standard 3.0 arc
5 glow rings
e2 with spare bulb
48 123 batteries
photon ravn on the way
rage on the way
eternalight raven on the way
and mom gave me a brinkman rebel for easter gift.
almost forgot I'm ordering 2 luxeon stars.

I can't believe this. I just now added it up and realised I spent 400 dollars on flashlights. I must be sick...
I would like to sell my lightwave 4000 but whenever I post it in the trade area no one responds.
March was rough. April is shaping up to be even worse.

Inova X5

April: (Gosh - not even a week old)

2-SF 9PT
1-SF T2
Misc. bulbs and spares carriers
( Above almost $ 400 - to Austria! Thank you Klaus!)

Case of 7.62x51 Portugese (HAD TO, O.K.?? It was on sale.....)

The March spree mandated crown molding, chair rail, and painting to appease the Boss. I am afraid to think of what she will dream up as penance for the April indescretions....(see, there was this refund check, and to help the world economy... that raft ain't gonna float....)
May need some help from Darrell - with his single LED, battery, and a strand of wire.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by STC:
( Above almost $ 400 - to Austria! Thank you Klaus!) (...)
Now I feel guilty.

Please - no negativity! You have helped me see the light! My T heads are on their way (along with lamp ***'ys) and another A19. I consider this a middle aged man's ultimate Tinker Toy Erector set. I wrapped the body of my 9P the other night with paracord, didn't like the pattern, unwrapped it, and started over again. For once, my wife DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY!! She sat there just staring and shaking her head. (then she left the room and started laughing hysterically at something)