Comments/Impressions of Vital Gear F2 flashlight?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 22, 2005
Thinking about picking one up as I was looking to pick up a FB2 anyways and the F2 would come with the FB2, a usable head, and a P60/D26-size LA. What are CPFers' comments and impressions on the VG F2? How is the overall quality, machining, etc.? How would you compare it to a comparable SF (though there isn't really one since it has a body the size of an E2e with the head the size of a 6P/Z2/C2)?

Surefire e-series heads are compatible.
Surefire lamp-assemblies fit, a Led-drop-in (litemania and other) ist too large in diameter.
The build quality is ok, but the clickie is to small and you can´t hear a "click".
I don´t think this clicky works long at higher currents.


Surefire P6, Vital Gear F2, Surefire E2D


Vital Gear clickie


Is there anyone on CPF who sells the Vital Gear FB2 and the clickie tail?

Thanks...I would rather buy it off of CPF than ebay.
well I have the FB2 body with a KL-1 head. there are some issues with the battery LEAF springs (where the battery stands) In short, unless you do not bend them the proper way and height there are issues with battery contact, making the light to go out when tapped and vice versa.

Funny I relubed the threads today and had to make the adjustment all over. Once you have set it it is wise to remove the head to change the battery. Also...the above mean that you better stay with the smae brand of bateries.

I found directions on how to in Lighthound's site where I had bought the FB-2 3 years ago(?) Unfortunately Lighthound has not them in the new website. Wouldn't hurt to ask though. And do look at the manufacturers website. (BTW I have saved the instructions. PM me if you need them)

All the above hold true if the design has not been revised since then.

D3espite the spring issue I still carry it, even as I type this> there is no turning back on the clip arrangement, Even in an open shirt pocket the light is kept unprotuding out of sight....Great arrangment.

all the best, kostas
Of my most two used 2x123, lights, one is a Vital Gear with a modded G&P 3W drop-in. Diameter-wise, it fits in the head just fine. It is like .5mm too long and thus the head cannot screw down 100% to the, uh, in between adapter part. (Don't know what it's called.)

As mentioned, the fairly strong clip that allows for bezel down carry was a primary factor. As far as machining/fit/finish, I'd say it is 95% as nice as a Surefire... maybe even closer to about 98%. I'd call them interchangable quality. On the finish, I usually keep my nicer lights in a seperate pocket, but I don't baby them. I use them outdoors and nearly every one has had to have dirt cleaned from it on more than one occasion. My F2 looks perfect.

Suffice it to say this: I've had probably 30 or more 2x123 lights, bodies, heads etc and for me, my F2 with a U-bin modded G&P module is the best solution for me.
Has anyone else had issues with accidental activation with the VG bodies? I had my FB1/E1e in my pocket today while I was in my car. I could feel a strange sensation on my leg. I looked and the pager on my belt had activated the switch. The whole light was very hot. I'm going to have to rethink where I carry that little guy. I wish there was some sort of lock out feature to the VG switches.
Hmm, think I'll pick on an F2. Maybe I'll swap bodies between my E2D and VG F2, then I can carry my E2D bezel down and be a bit less conspicuous (plus the teeth of my E2D sometimes scratches up my hand quite good).

Funny, I actually like the clickies of my VGs (have a FB3 from cratz2, and an FB1 I got from Lighthound). When I first felt it, I didn't like it so much, but after getting used to it, I actually like the clicky. Not too much travel required to fully click it on and I like the very minimal audible click. I do wish there was a bit more tactile feedback when it clicks, but I really like the profile of it.

Too bad VG isn't still around. Their E2C adapter looks really nice!...I like it better than the TnC E2C I got.
Vital gear are nice.

Shame they are not still in it, I had heard that they were planning on more stuff but never made it.

Its nice you can change the cells from the back, and I have the newer type switch, and It is shallow and quiet, but it is silent which is actually nice, when waling about quietly in the dark, unlike the KERPUNK!!! of the E2D switch when I turns on, It still has momentary function and now actually realy like it.

THe black FB2 body looks the nuts on an E2D head, and it is the smallest two cell light I know.

My black E2D with black balrog body is slightly Larger, but It realy does feel nice in the hand.

Shame they messed with all the knurling on the body and made ot skinny in places because I bet they could have got a 18650 in there.

I realy want to fit a cree module in the head though, although did you know the black and nat HA heads and tails are different, the blacks head is smaller, and the nat HA is larger and more pointy.