Compact lights: CR123 vs. CR2


Jan 23, 2008
I already own several AAA and AA lights, now I'm looking for a better (brightness+runtime)/size ratio. I thought CR2 lights would be a good option, but I was surprised to see that they are not significantly more compact than their CR123 equivalents, and have a much lower runtime and/or brightness.
Here are two comparison examples:

Quark mini:
The CR2 version is 2" long, 0.75" in diameter --> volume = 14479 mm3
The CR123 version is 2.3" x 0.8" --> volume = 18945 mm3
So the CR123 version is only 30% bigger, but its runtime is 67% longer on medium (same brightness) and 80% more on high (slightly brighter).

Nitecore EZ:
The CR2 version is 63 mm long, 17.5 mm in diameter --> volume = 15153 mm3
The CR123 version is 70 mm x 19 mm --> volume = 19847 mm3
Here the CR123 is 31% bigger. Runtimes cannot be compared directly, since the brightness is different, but again there is a big difference between both versions: runtime on low is 15 h for both, but the CR2 outputs 10 lm whereas the CR123 gives 20 lm. On high, CR2 is 130 lm for 50 mn, and CR123 is 180 lm for 60 mn.

All the above figures (sizes, brightness and runtime) are from 4sevens website.
Do the CR123 lights have the highest (brightness+runtime)/volume ratio?
I'm not familiar with the rechargeable equivalents of the CR123 and CR2 batteries, what capacities are available, and are there any protected versions in these small sizes?
Amongst both models here, the Quark is slightly more compact, but I prefer the twisty UI of the Nitecore (no need to twist on / twist off quickly to change mode, just twist a bit more to go to high which is quicker).

BTW, 4sevens no longer has the Nitecore EZs in stock, any other suggestion?
to Cemoi --

Great work on your comparison calculations !

This precisely sums up my feelings about CR2 flashlights. :D

they may not be significantly smaller but they are certainly smaller. For a light I will be carrying everyday day for rare/occasional use, every millimeter and ounce counts.

You say "only" 30% larger, but 30% is significant IMO. Also, the 4sevens and nitecore lights are not the smallest possible cr2 lights.
Must admit I cannot see the point of the CR2 cell,as daft as though those silly AAAA and they for sure have never caught on.Thinking about another silly cell for a light is the LR1 cell,had to buy three this week for a light,the 3 cells it takes cost more than the light did in the first place.:ohgeez:
they may not be significantly smaller but they are certainly smaller. For a light I will be carrying everyday day for rare/occasional use, every millimeter and ounce counts.

You say "only" 30% larger, but 30% is significant IMO. Also, the 4sevens and nitecore lights are not the smallest possible cr2 lights.

yea. but i still prefer the run time of the 123
I can only speak for the 4sevens lights, but I definitely prefer the CR2 over the 123. The size is actually noticeable, as is the weight. Since the light isn't going to be my primary light most of the time, runtime isn't a huge problem. But the biggest difference between the two is that the CR2 is more solidly built imo. the threads are better, and it just feels better overall. I can give up runtime for for that any day.
I have a few CR2 lights, they are really nice in the pocket. My favorite light is the Muyshundot Aeon. I have two 4 Sevens CR2 lights that I like as well.

While your calculations are very handy, they miss the usefulness of the small light that you always have with you. Kind of like calculating that it will take 4 years to pay off having a 5th gear, but not thinking about the whine from the 4th gear on the freeway for 4 years (talking about a decision made years ago about why a 5 speed Honda car was a waste of money).

I do have a few single cell 123 lights, but they are just too big to be in the pocket of my slacks or the watch pocket of my jeans. YMMV.:thinking:
My initial impression of the QMini CR2 was that it didn't seem much smaller than the QMini 123. Came very close to getting one, and still might. A large stash of CR123s probably has affected my judgment.

If you look at just the numbers, the CR2 doesn't look much smaller than the CR123 version.

However, that small amount makes all the difference between 'fits on a keychain' and 'too big for a keychain', which is why the Mini CR2 is great.
Would love to see the values calculated for Muyshondt (Aeon vs Nautilus)… Anyone?

I have the Aeon, and while I have used some of the smallest CR123A lights, that extra bit of shrinkage in the CR2 makes it the largest format I personally would consider for a keychain light. Wider than a AAA, but the shortness far outweighs it. And shorter and thinner than a CR123A, no matter how slight, is very noticeable…
Chucula, tolkaze, Skeptic and higbvuyb: your point of view make me reconsider mine. You are right saying that as a keychain light I will use it only occasionally and runtime is not that essential. Moreover if it is powered by a rechargeable I can recharge it from time to time so that I'm sure I always have the full capacity of the battery at hand.

So I'll direct my search towards the most compact CR2 light, or even one using a smaller battery like the 14250, 10280 or 10180.

From applevision and HKJ threads it seems the Lummi Wee NS and Raw AL would be good options that fit in my budget, but both are unfortunately out of stock. The Drake has an even better brightness/size ratio but is definitely too pricey for me.
I have the Qmini CR2 on my keychain. It is noticeably shorter and thinner than a CR123. I also have a tac light that attaches to my pistol that takes CR2.

For a hand held or EDC I prefer AA (14500), or 2xRCR123, 17670, 18650, etc.

I find that 1xCR123 lights are a bit too small for EDC and a bit too big for keychains. If protected RCR2 3.7v were available and more popular they would make a great EDC/hand held tac light with 2xRCR2 being the same size as a 1xAA (14500).
Where'd ya get all those 123's? :whistle:

Yes, an esteemed and generous member of CPF, who shall go unnamed (wink, wink), has a secret battery tree. He's supplied me a large number of almost pristine CR123's that will probably last me into the great beyond.

As a CR2 fan, which lights are smaller?

As others mentioned, I am thinking of the Muyshondt CR2 Aeon. That light could be made even smaller though if the right LED is used without a reflector (for flood) and the keyring-designed base is removed.

So I'll direct my search towards the most compact CR2 light, or even one using a smaller battery like the 14250, 10280 or 10180.

The one thing I never liked about small rechargeables was the small capacity. With more efficient LED's though, I guess it is not a big deal.

I would like to see more N cell lights. it seems like the perfect size (in between AAA and CR2) but I have only seen them used in Peak lights and in plastic lights requiring more than one cell.
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As others mentioned, I am thinking of the Muyshondt CR2 Aeon. That light could be made even smaller though if the right LED is used without a reflector (for flood) and the keyring-designed base is removed.

The one thing I never liked about small rechargeables was the small capacity. With more efficient LED's though, I guess it is not a big deal.

I would like to see more N cell lights. it seems like the perfect size (in between AAA and CR2) but I have only seen them used in Peak lights and in plastic lights requiring more than one cell.

The company which I work for sells an N (LR1) cell light,as I said in my post earlier in this thread the 3 cells cost me more than the light itself.In the UK cost of cells prohibits the use as an EDC.After reading other posters comments the idea of a CR2 cell light opens extra doors for me but would need to find a decent cost base for CR2 here in the UK.The C123 battery is no problem,I can find them at the right money to own and use one as an EDC.I actually like the idea of the CR2 as I find the C123 a little fat to wear in a shirt pocket which is my preferred way of carrying a light.
I carried a CR2 Ion for years, but finally decided I just wanted more power. Like the OP, I did the math, and decided to go with a CR123 for EDC in my slacks. I ordered the Mini 123, and while it was a nice light, there were a couple of things that just didn't do it for me. One was the size. It seemed much larger than my Ion. I had quite a few CR2 batteries left, so I broke down and ordered the aluminum mini CR2. It has stopped my search for an EDC light for carry in slacks. The size is certainly noticeable, and the output/runtime is great in my opinion for such a small light/battery combination. If I'm shorts/cargo pants/jeans, etc, I always have multiple lights on me, and almost always in the CR123 format. But for small discrete carry, the mini CR2 would be hard to beat.
This is an excellent thread!

My favorite thing is when folks have compared several lights, actually used and carried them, and then tell us where they ended up. To me, that is the ultimate "review". Especially when more senior members tell us their favorites, that holds a lot of weight with me. It's sort of like cars to some degree: the numbers say one thing, but driving it says another... And plenty of folks have turned down "better" cars for ones with that certain feel, that certain je ne sais quoi ... ;)

I will tell you that I am a lover of small lights and have carried a lot on my keychain. And I will tell you that I echo many of the comments here, in that even though the CR2 is only slightly smaller than the 123, it makes a difference to me and my pocket. And, even though the runtime suffers, because the brightness is pretty much the same, it is worth it to me. I also got the batteries for life program going so I'm very liberal with my CR2 use... which is nice. Truth is, that for this type of light, it is a really potent combo of size and power, and has a great "wow" effect. And, all things considered, the lower runtime does not much matter for me for this particular purpose. That said, I adore the MiNi123 as well, so this is really splitting hairs... And now, the updated chart (also updated here.)

[FONT=courier new]
           LENGTH:   DIAMETER:   VOLUME:      MAX:   LUM/VOL:     $:
LaPetit    23.25mm    14.25mm     3681mm^3     <5*     .0013     $95.00 
Nano       37mm       13mm        4910mm^3     10      .0020     $8.00
Fauxton    41x23mm    7mm         6601mm^3*    15*     .0022     $FREE*
Firefli    38mm       7mm         1462mm^3     <5*     .0034     $N/A
NiteCR2    63mm       17.5mm      15,153mm^3   130     .0085     $35.00
Aeon       53.3mm     17.7mm      13,108mm^3   114     .0086     $125.00
Nite123    70mm       19mm        19,847mm^3   180     .009      $35.00
[COLOR="Blue"]MiNi123    58.4mm     20.3mm      18,715mm^3   189     .0100     $39.00[/COLOR] 
[COLOR="Red"]MiNiCR2    50.8mm     19.0mm      14,403mm^3   180     .012      $39.00[/COLOR]           
Wee        34mm       15mm        6007mm^3     100     .0166     $ 51.00
Drake      33mm       13mm        4380mm^3     100     .0228     $145.00
Draco      47mm       13mm        6238mm^3     160     .0256     $155.00[/FONT]
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