Compact thrower?

I came to the light...

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 4, 2007
I'm looking for a compact thrower. But my definitions are a bit different than usual - by thrower, I mean at least equivalent to Tiablo's MA6 (16,000 lux at 1m). And by compact, I mean anything significantly smaller than the MA6 (149mm long). Surprisingly, I have only found one light that can equal its throw for size, the Regalight K-mark D-MX, and none that can beat it.

I'd prefer to stay away from aspherics. But pretty much everything else goes. Any battery type, custom light, simple mod.

Thanks for your help :)
LumaPower D-Mini???

My NiteCore Extreme isn't bad....:twothumbs
The Jeatbeam JET-II PRO I.B.S out throws both the D-Mini and the Extreme even using the textured reflector.
Thanks for the info.:) I've yet to own a Jetbeam. I buy mostly from 7777,Lightound or BattJunction. I'm still a little confused as to which Jetbeam to get. (I'd like one small CR123 thrower, and or an 18650 version)
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hey tsask...

i think they Jet2 IBS is the best thrower of the bunch... but.. i think that one is discontinued... the Jet2 PRO IBS and Jet3 IBS throws about the same... just the size of the light and the runtimes would be different...

i have the Jet2 PRO IBS.. and it's a great lil thrower... and super compact... even tho it doesn't run very long on 100%... but oh well.... you can't win them all...

you should head over to ... very well done reviews of quite a few lights there... you find most of the info you need...

Thanks for the info! I saw the reviews but still wasn't sure which way to go. They insight I've gained through this thread is most helpful!:party:
Thanks for the info.:) I've yet to own a Jetbeam. I buy mostly from 7777,Lightound or BattJunction. I'm still a little confused as to which Jetbeam to get. (I'd like one small CR123 thrower, and or an 18650 version)

Jet III Pro Ultra, mini review here

Or, the Dereelight DBS Q5, 29100 lux using a smooth reflector, according to this review

If budget is a concern, a budget thrower would be the Aurora WF600 Q5 2 mode frm dealextreme, less than $40 the last time i checked.

hope you find your thrower
Thanks for the help :)

But you're misunderstanding my question. I have an extreme already, and have a spartanian II on order, so I've got that covered :). But what I'm looking for is something with at least as much throw as the MA6. That's around one and a half times the Spartanian or JET-II's throw. And I'm looking for smaller than the MA6. I have a DBS, and love it, but it doesn't fit that category.

From what I've seen on the Ultra it actually barely improves on the Jet-III PRO. Certainly not 50% more throw.
Regalight EDC with turbo head on a 14500 seems like a possible contender. Right now I'm guessing it'll hit around 14-15k lux in that config. Supposed to start shipping today so hopefully someone will post some numbers for us soon. There's a thread in the manufacturer's forum that has more info on it. FYI the reflector dimensions of the turbo head are 45mm wide x 42mm deep which is very close to the size of the DBS.
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Regalight EDC with turbo head on a 14500 seems like a possible contender. Right now I'm guessing it'll hit around 14-15k lux in that config. Supposed to start shipping today so hopefully someone will post some numbers for us soon. There's a thread in the manufacturer's forum that has more info on it. FYI the reflector dimensions of the turbo head are 45mm wide x 42mm deep which is very close to the size of the DBS.

Thanks for the recommendation:)

I've been looking at that too. It does look like a serious thrower, although 15K lux seems a bit high to me. But, like you said, with a reflector like that, who knows? Personally, I hope they come out with an 18650 tube - it looks pretty awkward right now :eek:

BTW, Mev ( said he would review the regalight EDC. He hasn't been very active lately, but we'll get all the data we want when he does review it.