Comparing 200mm rectangularHellas

Hamilton Felix

Jan 2, 2010
Marblemount, WA, USA
I had the opportunity to compare (quick shine on a wall) a recently acquired Hella 72207 and a 72206 that's been on my shelf since maybe the 90's. Not much difference on low. The newer 72207 seems to concentrate more in the high hotspot and throw it a bit more left of center. If I use these on our 1992 S-10 Blazer (aka "The Hooptie), I'll probably mount the 72207 on the right.

Of course, if I go that route, shortly after aiming we'll go for relays, heavy wiring, and a search for the very best H4 bulbs.
"Not much difference on low"...measured how? Yeah, you get a more or less European-shaped low beam cutoff from both lamps, but the placement of light underneath the cutoff is pretty significantly different (longer seeing distance on low beam with the 72207, which is the SAE/DOT "Vision Plus" unit, compared to the 72206, which is the ECE "E-code" unit). Also pay attention to the relative placement of the low and high beam hot spots -- vertically too far apart on the 72206.

Overall I would not really recommend either of these lamps, because you can do a lot better even if you're limiting the search to only H4 lamps, but if it has to be one of the Hellas it should be the 72207 if you want to drive at night, or the 72206 if you get off on seeing E-code marks on your headlight lenses.
Well, it's a case of "what I have." And this was just my first impression on a garage wall. I'm sure I'll learn more when I use them. Ideally, I'd go with JW Speaker but about $654 for the pair makes them worth nearly as much as that old S-10. Still, they are on the wish list.🙄

I hear good things about the newer Koito H4 lights that Dan Stern has for sale. Even though this old S-10 is for occasional use, I like to see where I'm going, and maybe even what critters are about to jump in front of me. I'll probably stuff these Hellas in and save my pennies for better lights in the future.

BTW I do recall you mentioning the big shift between high and low on the 72206. I believe that's what I have on the 1986 F250. They are "OK" on a rig with light centers 42" above ground, but I do have pretty low low beams, and they are still reasonable with a moderate load in the truck. I can imagine they'd be awful on a low sports car or compact.

In truth, I'm glad these rigs are more likely to see rural roads and our offroad wood lot than they are a freeway.