Flashlight Enthusiast
Some days ago I received my ItpC6 tactical flashlight. A light which attracted me because of the low price and good reviews.
I find the light to be in a good overall quality. My instant impression was that it reminded me of Tiablo A9 with textured reflector, which was a correct impression. When I tried to measure the highest lux rating by holding Itp C6 together with Fenix TK10 at the same distance from the lightmeter sensor the value reached to at 70+% higher than TK10, which confirms the reviews of it and that Itp C6 is a decent thrower, rivalling Tiablo A9 with textured reflector. This is also visible at my beamshots below. Though the technical specifications of this light claimed that the reflector is a "Half smooth, half orange peel reflector" it's in my eyes seems to be just a textured reflector. Maybe it means that the texturing is moderate.
Itp C6 has stepless brightness levels which changes in similar way as with Nitecore D10/20 models, but instead of pressing the button you loosening the head until the prefered brightness is reached and then tightening it.
Fenix TK10, Tiablo A9 and Itp C6 have all very similar total output, according to ceiling bounce test Fenix TK10 is the brightest, but the difference between these three is only a few percents, surely not noticable for the eyes. The lowest level of Itp C6 is ca 1/30 of the highest, which correspond very well to the stated 6 lumens. The tint is cooler than TK10.
It's also possible to remove the upper part of the head with the reflector of Itp C6 and use the light as an excellent floodlight. Though this is also possible with Tiablo A9 the emitter of Itp C6 in comparison to A9 is protected and it can stand upright even with the head and reflector removed.
44 Euro (49 with shipping from Israel to Sweden) I find was a good price.
Here are some pictures and beamshots, all of the pictures are with Itp C6 at the highest brightness:
Fenix TK10, Itp C6 and Tiablo A9:

Beamshot Fenix TK10, Itp C6 and Tiablo A9:

Hotspots Fenix TK10, Itp C6 and Tiablo A9:

Itp C6 with removed bezel and reflector:

And finally a comparison with the head removed together with Zebralight H501 at highest mode:

I find the light to be in a good overall quality. My instant impression was that it reminded me of Tiablo A9 with textured reflector, which was a correct impression. When I tried to measure the highest lux rating by holding Itp C6 together with Fenix TK10 at the same distance from the lightmeter sensor the value reached to at 70+% higher than TK10, which confirms the reviews of it and that Itp C6 is a decent thrower, rivalling Tiablo A9 with textured reflector. This is also visible at my beamshots below. Though the technical specifications of this light claimed that the reflector is a "Half smooth, half orange peel reflector" it's in my eyes seems to be just a textured reflector. Maybe it means that the texturing is moderate.
Itp C6 has stepless brightness levels which changes in similar way as with Nitecore D10/20 models, but instead of pressing the button you loosening the head until the prefered brightness is reached and then tightening it.
Fenix TK10, Tiablo A9 and Itp C6 have all very similar total output, according to ceiling bounce test Fenix TK10 is the brightest, but the difference between these three is only a few percents, surely not noticable for the eyes. The lowest level of Itp C6 is ca 1/30 of the highest, which correspond very well to the stated 6 lumens. The tint is cooler than TK10.
It's also possible to remove the upper part of the head with the reflector of Itp C6 and use the light as an excellent floodlight. Though this is also possible with Tiablo A9 the emitter of Itp C6 in comparison to A9 is protected and it can stand upright even with the head and reflector removed.
44 Euro (49 with shipping from Israel to Sweden) I find was a good price.
Here are some pictures and beamshots, all of the pictures are with Itp C6 at the highest brightness:
Fenix TK10, Itp C6 and Tiablo A9:

Beamshot Fenix TK10, Itp C6 and Tiablo A9:

Hotspots Fenix TK10, Itp C6 and Tiablo A9:

Itp C6 with removed bezel and reflector:

And finally a comparison with the head removed together with Zebralight H501 at highest mode:

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