Looking for a variety of custom parts:
FM Gunmetal D-Mag Tube. The longer the better. Will consider almost anything.
Aleph1, 2, 3 or Mule head in HA-NAT or any other maker's head in comparable sizes, like a Griffin head. It just needs to hold an Aleph LE, fit an E-series tube and be HA-NAT in color. Doesn't need to have lens, reflector, etc.. (Got an A1, but still need another.)
BigLeef tailswitch and either a single 26650 or 2x AW C body segments in GRAY.
Aleph HA-NAT Tail:
I need at least one or two of these for projects. I'm only looking for Standard, Standard Bald or Standard Flat Top in mint condition, and preferably fairly dark NAT color. They don't have to have switch guts, but I'll consider them either way.(Got an Aleph Standard coming, but will still consider others.)
I'd also consider other E-series caps of comparable diameter.
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