Convert to LED?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 3, 2007
Buffalo, NY & Franklin, MA (Boston 'burb)
I have two lights I'd like to convert to LED, if possible, without spending a large sum of money. The lights are:
1. Ryobi 18 volt light that comes with the 18 volt cordless drill. I've got 4 batteries, so it would make a great power outage light.
2. Old Streamlight Lightbox.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I don't remember any mods for either. I don't own any of them either, so I'm only able to giver general info.

What's the voltage for the Lightbox?

How much space do you have inside the light? If you want to use high power LED, make sure that there is enough space for a heatsink and driver/circuit.

Would you like to use the stock reflector?

I think you'll need a buck circuit for both lights.

Edit: Now I remember a few, thanks Norm.

Also, measure the voltage of the battery when they are fully charged and use that number to search for a compatible driver/circuit.
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I don't remember any mods for either. I don't own any of them either, so I'm only able to giver general info.

What's the voltage for the Lightbox?

How much space do you have inside the light? If you want to use high power LED, make sure that there is enough space for a heatsink and driver/circuit.

Would you like to use the stock reflector?

I think you'll need a buck circuit for both lights.

Edit: Now I remember a few, thanks Norm.

Also, measure the voltage of the battery when they are fully charged and use that number to search for a compatible driver/circuit.

Thanks for responding! The Lightbox is 6V, 12 AH sealed lead acid battery. The Ryobi light is 18 volts. I don't really care if I use the stock reflector or not.
give us an idea of your budget and I think from there people could suggest options. For the ryobi budget will determine the mod you could do while the other light a possible dropin may or may not work for cheaper than a mod.
there will be no off the shelf mod for the Ryobi period, but possibly an LED dropin for the other light as they make them for 1-6 batteries but nothing dropin for 12v and up in the standard bulb types.
You will have to consider a custom mod job on the ryobi so if you are not comfortable about that then consider investing in an LED light instead.
I would have to know more about the 6v light to know if a drop in would work.... is the bulb a PR based one and what type of batteries and is the tip of the bulb wired to the positive + battery terminal?
OK, thanks. I already have a few LED lights (Inova T2, T5, X5 (multiple), and X1 (multiple), as well as a Fenix P1dQ5. I was just trying to be better prepared in the event of a blackout (I just missed the major blackout here in MASS by maybe 20 miles). The litebox, I realized, probably can't be easily modified, as it has a sealed beam bulb.
I have yet to see an LED mod of a light with a sealed beam bulb most of the flashaholics keep or sell those because a few of them are becoming more valuable slowly (collector's).
The Ryobi would be a project. There are several threads where people either modded drill lights or used the batteries for powering custom made light engines. If you were truly interested I am thinking perhaps a P7 and a circuit that can handle higher voltage input may be the thing but cost could exceed $40 by a little perhaps.
OK, I guess I'll keep the Light Boxes (I have 2) as is; they're still usable, I just thought I could get much more time out of them with an LED. As far as the Ryobi light, I don't have the expertise to do a major modification. With the risk of showing my electrical ignorance, is there an easy way to reduce the voltage from 18 to 12V, so I can use a plug in 12V LED?
I don't know of any plugin 12v leds what you are lookin at it an LED and a regulator or several LEDs in series and a regulator and reflectors and heat sinks and so on.
I don't know if it helps you any, but I got one of THESE for christmas. I'd bet that it would run on the 2 leds for quite some time. Plus, you could easily use it to charge cell phones and such. I saw it at Walmart for less than $40.
I have a ton of 18v stuff too...just got the lithium ion batteries and charger....I would love to convert the flashlight

The bulb kinda looks like a maglite bulb....maybe a drop-in mag led conversion would work.
Bulb says 18v .6 amp on the side
DSCN5093.jpg new to flashlights:D
magled dropins wouldn't work, the excessive voltage would probably fry it.... and also they are larger in diameter than a PR bulb and the focus is most likely going to be off also. You have about a 10 watt bulb and a magled is about a 3 watt luxeon LED I am guessing it will not be quite as bright.