Corona's Elly Construction Project


Aug 1, 2005
Chicago Area
For those who didn't download (or had problems with opening) the original PDF that I posted for a Blu-Ray violet laser based on the MXDL-1W (Elly) flashlight, I've made corrections and improvements and taken the old version down.

To avoid confusion, here's the updated instructions that includes details for a DVD burner red version as well as a Blu-Ray violet.

Note that determining the resistor value for DVD reds is an iterative process, due to the fact that at higher currents, the Elly boost exhibits voltage sag (this is how the flashlight manages to run the original LED without a resistor, also why a 1W Luxeon or other power LED won't run at full tilt in the Elly).

Variations in Elly circuits also may result in resistor changes for the DVD red (the Blu-Ray runs at an easy ~40mA so the resistor value stated in the instructions is appropriate)

Always measure your DVD red laser current before buttoning it up - and don't blame me if you fry anything.



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Is it just me or is this link a problem?
Please host it somewhere else:twothumbs
Can't wait to read it:popcorn::grin2:
Yeah just a stupid mistake in the link URL - it's fixed now.

I've had some problems opening PDFs in Firefox so just download it (right mouse button on a Windows machine) instead of opening it in a browser...
One thing that I would love to see and am currently working on for SenKat's mini dorcy mod is using a chunk of aluminum to house the module and fit the laser into place as done with the cd-r or dvd-r rings on this design. Using the aluminum makes it so that the residual heat produced from the module is wicked out to the body of the flashlight. Only problem I'm having so far is doing the machining for this my local shop wants to charge me $40 for a aluminum plug drilled and machined. That's a bit much for my tastes.
Exactly why I love the Elly so dearly. That Jefferson Washer fits so perfectly, a press fit almost like it was a machined set.

Soldering the brass module to the washer is very good thermally, the circuit collar is a nice big aluminum machining - and the Elly aluminum body is a large thermal mass with decent surface area. A little heatsink compound between the mating sections (and under the "J-washer") really works wonders as a thermal solution.

I have a mini Dorcy on my bench right now in fact, thinking along the same lines, to make a focusable assembly, without epoxy.

You really want to heatsink the base of it though for best results, although the movable part will conduct some heat through the threads, it's pretty far from the diode junction and the thermal time constant might not be so beneficial. But, it will help "some".

What laser module are you using, and more importantly - what is it's OD? Length from base to threaded section? How about a dimensioned drawing

Maybe my junkbox mind can help come up with a solution - for nada...
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Great Guide:twothumbs

So will it not work with a rechargeable AA batt?
It might fire with a NiMH or NiCd, but that 300mV difference is a huge percentage of the initial startup voltage.

Maybe check over in the LED flashlight forums and see what's been already said about the Elly.

I think the newer circuit version (with the FET switch integrated into the controller chip) might have better low voltage startup, but I don't have one to substantiate that. The reason for this thinking is that the external FET gate threshold (turn ON) voltage is probably on the order of 1.2~1.4V and the chip could be optimized for a lower threshold. Maybe.

As the voltage drops, the FET can't turn ON as hard and efficiency suffers (i.e. more heat from the boost circuit).
Ok I get it,
What do you mean by this: [FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold]
Note that only laser diodes with the cathode (negative) terminal connected to the diode's metal case can be used!
Will I not be able to use a DVD Diode?
From my understanding the elly's casing is connected to the negative of the battery making it the negative supply for the circuit therefore a diode with the anode connected to the metal casing would not work using this tutorial, you'd just be reverse biasing the diode so you'd get no pretty light.
A diode with no connection to it's metal casing should be fine as it can be connected directly to the driver board. So you'd have to confirm how your diode is configured.

is there anywhere to purchase the Aixiz module that will ship internationally?
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DVD Spindle Washers

What else can I use for the DVD Spindle Washers?
We don't get them here. They just put the dvd's/cd's unprotected in our spindles...
Re: DVD Spindle Washers

What else can I use for the DVD Spindle Washers?
We don't get them here. They just put the dvd's/cd's unprotected in our spindles...
I was expecting that!

You could possibly use some plastic tubing (like PVC pipe) or rubber hose; I'm sure there's many possibilities. Another larger grommet may also work out. I just happened to stumble across the CD washer, they worked, and I assumed that they could be found almost anyplace in the world. Anyway...

The washers I'm using have about a 0.6" (~15mm) ID and the OD of course, fits into the flashlight hood. Thickness of the 3 washers (think 'length', if tubing is cut to fit) is about 0.35" (8mm).

Re: DVD Spindle Washers

Cool Thanks Corona
So the washers are just to fit the grommet from the diode to the elly so that you can focus it?
So I must just make up something to fit from the diode to the inside of the flashlight?
You probably do get the washers here, but out of the many spindles I've bought, I've never seen them before.

Thank You
Exactly; the washers engage the grommet OD - the ID of which tightly fits the brass focus ring of the laser module - and mechanically connect it to the hood.
Looks like a well designed mod.. Grats and thanks for the update.

I'm curious if there are and output specs yet, is a 2 stage planned like "Hemlock Mike" has on his DX-hmm 602?? host.
And btw, SenKat did you ever find time to finish your laser with the parts a few of us went in on?. I'm curious how it came out if so..

Sorry been gettin behind on following the threads.

And if I get a min, I grabbed a <40 Green bottle looking laser runs on 1 CR123 and is quiit impressive. Need to seen it and DX 200 to SenKat for some true numbers.


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