CPFReviews.com: Gossen Mavolux 5032 B: Ultimate Light Meter for Flashaholics: Updated


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 3, 2004
Gossen Mavolux 5032 B USB Light Meter

From Gossen Foto

General Description:
Gossen Mavolux 5032 B USB Light Meter is high precision, high accuracy and high quality light meter with conformance to DIN 5032-7 and CIE 69 standards. MAVOLUX 5032 B has an initial sensitivity of 0.01 lx which allows measuring extremely low light levels. MAVOLUX 5032 B can also measure high light intensities as high as direct sunlight. With such wide range of light measurement with accuracy, MAVOLUX 5032 B USB is perfectly suitable for certification and official inspections.

Apart from high accuracy & precision, one of the best feature of MAVOLUX 5032 B USB is it's ability to use standard AA sized battery, while most of the low end and mid range light meters use difficult to find 9V battery. Mavolux 5032 B USB light meter comes packaged in strong aluminum briefcase. There are two main components of the light meter; the Mavolux 5032 measuring unit and Mavolux 5032 measuring probe. The measuring unit and probe are connected by means of a special cable. MAVOLUX 5032 B USB measuring probe has special photo diode with V (λ) filtering to match human eye response. Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit has clear 3 1/2 digit LCD display. Automatic LCD backlight when hold is activated. Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit has internal memory to store up to 100 light measurements in its internal memory As it's name suggests, it can easily connect to computer for advanced light measurements, data logging and data transfer via USB. A host of optional acessories are available including Luminance Attachment and Adapter disk for luminance contact measurement.
Mavolux 5032 Features: (ref: www.gossen-photo.de)
  • Meets Standards DIN 5032-7 and CIE no. 69
  • Illuminance can be measured in Lux or Footcandle
  • Luminance can be measured in candles per square meter (cd/m²) or Footlambert (fL) with optional luminance attachments
  • Wide measuring ranges
  • High resolution
  • Silicon photo diode, colour corrected, i.e. its spectral responsitivity is matched to the spectral phototic vision of the human eye V(λ). The accuracy of that V(λ) matching is the main difference between the two MAVOLUX types C and B.
  • Cosine correction for oblique inciding light
  • USB 1.1 Interface
  • CD Rom with software for processing the values measured and regulating the meter
  • Rugged instrument design, easy operation
  • Ever-ready case, USB-cable included
Mavolux 5032 B USB Package: Mavolux 5032 B USB comes packaged in secure, strong and well built aluminum brief case. Comparing size with AA battery placed in front, the AA battery appears to be very small. For the size of light meter, the case is considerably big. The main reason to have such a big case is to protect the meter. Mavolux 5032 B USB is a professional tool and may be used at challenging environments. Gossen, by providing a strong case ensure that Mavolux 5032 B USB is safe and secure inside. The contents inside Mavolux 5032 B USB case are secure with twin locking latches. Let's open the case and see what's inside.

Inside, first you will notice a document folder. The folder has important documents relating to the Mavolux 5032 B USB light meter. The documents include user manual, product literature and other products brochure. The briefcase base compartment is filled with foam cut to accommodate various components and accessories. Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit placed securely in foam cut in shape to accommodate the meter. In center is cable attached to light sensing measuring probe placed at the right. On extreme right is AA battery, yes it's a AA battery based meter; we will discuss more on this further in this review. The upper compartment has a sleeve where you will find USB cable (shown placed in front of sleeve) and Software CD (picture also shows user manual). The upper compartment has enough room in to keep additional documents and cables etc. This is handy for on-site visits for those who need to keep documents securely. They need not carry any thing additional. The included CD has Drivers, Software as well as User Manual included along with host of other utilities. User Manual is has two languages. The contents of user manual are simple and easy to understand.

Mavolux 5032 B USB Lightmeter: The Mavolux 5032 B USB light meter consist of two main components. Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit and Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring probe. The cable connecting the unit and probe is fixed at measuring probe end. The Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit has the female socket to accept the incoming cable. The picture shows of measuring unit with probe. The cable is not attached but just placed below the Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit.

Mavolux 5032 B USB Measuring Unit Size Comparison: Here is a size comparison with AA battery. Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit is little over twice AA battery size in length. More specifically, about 105 mm in Length and 65 mm in Width. The overall dimensions of Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit are very similar Apple iPhone (115 mm Length x 62 mm Width). As you can see, in comparison with the carry case, the Mavolux 5032 B USB lightmeter is considerably small. The thickness of Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit about 19 mm.

Mavolux 5032 B USB Measuring Unit Display and Controls: The Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit has large 3 1/2 digits LCD display with backlight display illumination. There are 6 keys arranged three in a row with two rows layout. The first row has power ON/OFF switch, in center is Auto range selection key and on right is lux / footcandle selection key. The second row has hold key, manual range selection key and a memory key. Interestingly, when hold is activated, the backlight automatically switches on.

Mavolux 5032 B USB Measuring Unit Ports: On top of Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit, there is a 5 pin female secure type socket to accept the connection from the light sensing probe.

Mavolux 5032 B USB is one of the first light meters that has USB V 1.1 port. USB adds flexibility and convenience. What's more is that when light meter is connected to PC through USB port, the light meter is powered by USB port. This is one of the reason why there is no additional power port. One of the advantage of using USB port is that we do not have to worry about battery running down any more, especially when you are logging light levels for long duration.

So what powers such a master piece instrument? Nothing fancy! Really! Single Standard AA battery is sufficient to power this unit. Use of AA battery means incorporating of additional circuitry to ensure all internal components are supplied with power correctly. Using 9V battery means simpler design for engineers but difficult for users who use the light meters. You don't want to be hunting for the 9V battery when it runs down on a important mission do you? Where as in case of a circuital mission for Mavolux 5032 B USB, you can fetch a AA battery from any of the devices such as a remote or even a wall clock. While most manufacturers opt for difficult to find fancy 9V battery, Gossen has done an excellent job in selecting power source for Mavolux 5032 B USB. Hats off to German Engineering on this aspect.

Here is a glow shot of Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring unit. To activate the backlight you have to activate hold by press the hold key once. The glow shot taken here is over exposed for demonstration purposes. In practice the screen will not be as bright as it appears in picture, but it is definitely readable without any strain on eyes and has sufficient illumination. The LCD uses electro luminescent (EL) type backlight LCD illumination.

Mavolux 5032 B USB Measuring Probe Size Comparison & Details: Comparing size of measuring probe with AA Battery. The overall dimensions of Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring probe are 105 mm Length x 31 mm Width x 30 mm Depth.

The Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring probe has color corrected high sensitivity silicon diode light sensor installed. The white colored filter is placed over the silicon diode. The filter ensures even illumination to silicon diode sensor. The area surrounding light sensor has threaded ring that facilitates attachment of optional accessories. There is a micro switch just outside the ring. This switch is activated when the illuminance attachment accessory is screwed down completely. The light meter mode changes accordingly to measure cd/m²(Candela per square meter) or fL (foot Lambert). At the back side of Mavolux 5032 B USB measuring probe, there is arrangement to attach standard camera stand screw.

Mavolux 5032 B USB in Action:
Measuring high light intensities with Mavolux 5032 B USB: The picture shows 2.81 x 1000 lux reading on the LCD. This is maximum illumination at which we could take the picture without overexposing. The maximum range for Mavolux 5032 B USB is well above this. In fact, its of the order of 199900 lux.

The Verdict:
Mavolux 5032 B USB is one of the ultimate and the very best USB light meter available in its class. Conformance to CIE 69 and DIN 5032-7 Class B standards means accurate, reliable and high precision light measurements. Usage of standard AA battery in Mavolux 5032 B USB is truly ingenious. Mavolux 5032 B USB is one of the smallest and most portable high precision photometer available in the market. We highly recommend it for all light measurements. With wide range of light measurement accurately, MAVOLUX 5032 B USB is perfectly suitable for certification and official inspections. Mavolux 5032 B USB can be used by professionals as well as enthusiasts.
I will add more pictures and info soon :) ...must hit the sac... almost 2:00 AM here :ohgeez:

Updated on: 2008-08-06
Last edited:
Ok, sold! Just don't tell me the price. Heck, tell me.
Ok, sold! Just don't tell me the price. Heck, tell me.

Mavolux 5032 B USB is a Standards Compliant professional light measuring tool and sets itself apart from the rest of the light meters in terms of Quality and Accuracy. Not sure about US pricing. Best way is to contact Stephan Frahnert @ Gossen Foto. Try contacting him at
Tel.: +49 (911) 86 02 170
Fax: +49 (911) 86 02 142
[email protected]
Yeah, curiosity got the better of me. Google found it, and wow, it is one pricey unit. I'm sure it's worth it though.

+1 it definitely is.

Just completed calibrating my home built 'IS'... Comparing readings with the ordinary light meter, Mavolux 5032 B gives more consistent and far more reliable lumen readings.
To keep others from having to google it... Prices seem to range between 1200-1500usd.

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