I am thinking about buying bulk Golston batteries from china, but i want to see if i will get a kaboom from my 2 cell lights. What is the chance i will ever have a kaboom from using golston?
slightly greater than your chance of winning the lottery this week. :laughing:
probabilty says, greater than using some battery that gets herassed by american safety laws, and osha, and customs, and all the other laws and lawsuits that make it hard to do things in america.
there are not a LOT of kabooms happening, vrses the total number of this stuff being used, do we include Fissles.
what kind of light?
what is its regulation type?
how does it react when one cell is depleated?
does it put undue pressure on the cell?
what temperatures will it be in?
how do you use the light? does it get hot?
how much current does the light use?
will your wifey turn it on, see no light and stuff some mismatched cell in?
do you aim it at your face?
does the light cost a lot?
if it started failing badly, do you have a plan, would it effect others?
will you baby the cells?
does the manufacture replace or repair lights or HOUSES damaged by thier batteries?
will you have an unessisary amount of them parked?
will they get aged before you use them?
questions you can ask Yourself. variables like the above might be important.