CR123 Loose Storage Question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 16, 2008

I have done a few searches but all I get is how to store them in safe places, how to carry them etc

I currently have 2 dozen panasonic cells and a another dozen Energizer cells, all still packaged seperatly in their cardboard packaging then in their cardboard boxes.

Im wanting to know if they will last longer in their separate packaging or if its OK to open them all up and get a pelican case for them all,

Also any good portable 10 cells cases

It's been a while, and I'm hoping you found the answer. No idea if you're even still active here, but just in case – and for the even someone else drops by here – let me drop down a few quick thoughts:

There's nothing magic about the normal blister packs. They're not tight enough that there could be anything meaningful such as protective atmosphere (similar to how cheaps and sometimes meat is packaged). They do however offer decent protection against shorting the cells, and they're weak enough that any venting or similar wouldn't build up pressure.

That said, if they're better than other packaging depends entirely on what the alternative is. There are now Powerpax-systems for putting them into for example, and a variety of other options. Other alternatives could also provide both better mechanical protection, and better moisture protection. For pelican cases specifically, I suspect opinions might vary, since they can be air-tight.

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