CR123 spares carrier. PICTURES!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2001
San Diego, California
As i was going through my pile of "you should throw away" junk, I came across a plastic tube which carries speaker connectors for Monster Cable speaker wires. I stared at it for a few minutes and a light bulb when on in my head. I ran to my backpack to get my 2 spare CR123 batteries for my E2. Hoping that they would fit i dumped out the contents of the connector carrier and shoved my batteries in. They fit PERFECTLY!!
All i had to do was add a SMALL amount of tissue inside to prevent the batteries from rattling.

Enoegh are some pictures.





The speaker connector carrier can be found in spools of speaker Monster Cable wire of 25-50ft. They fit in the middle of the spool of speaker wire, i guess that is why they are designed that way.

Any questions? Just ask.
I'm so happy that i can now carry around spare batteries!

Wish I could find something like that. Everywhere I go, if I see a small cylindrical container, I find myself thinking, "Would a 123 battery fit in that?"...

Haven't found anything yet though..

Excellent find. Maybe closed cell foam would work better in the long run compared to tissue.

Topic drift: Wouldn't a 2nd light be a better spares carrier? I'm passing up a future purchase of the G2Z when it comes out. I'm spending that allotted money on an E2e. And I'll scrounge some more change for 2 holsters. They're small enough to fit both on a belt comfortabley. Theoretically anyways.

I'll carry my current E2 with the long burntime lamp. When that is available. And the E2e will have the HOLA when that is available. I'll have spare batteries and a lamp in a working light. Hey. It's just an excuse for another light.
...and another E2 with an LED conversion, plus another holster...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DavidW:
I'll carry my current E2 with the long burntime lamp. When that is available. And the E2e will have the HOLA when that is available. I'll have spare batteries and a lamp in a working light. Hey. It's just an excuse for another light.
...and another E2 with an LED conversion, plus another holster...

Well how about that. And here I thought this was MY unique idea. I'm planning the same brilliant idea (excuse) for a "spares" carrier.
I'm trying to get a belt holster made for me that can carry 6xCR123A here is the design idea,


The grey shading is just to try and show changes in the shape. As you can see the bottom of the batteries are exposed, but it includes a belt loop, allowing it to be worn under my t-shirt or pullover.

If any one is interested then let me know and I'll get the price for them. The guy I've asked to make these says that he cannot make them until at least June. Because of the time delay if you are interested e-mail me on [email protected] and I'll let you know when they are closer to being made.

My solution was to take an ordinary Streamlight Scorpion nylon holster and modify it slightly. It comfortably holds 4 123a batteries plus any P60/61+P90/91 lamps or two E2 lamps in a 3.75" x 1.5" package that fits unobtrusively on my belt, or in my pocket. Too bad I don't have a digital camera to show you how neat it looks and how tiny it is.

It can also hold 4 AA's plus a UK mini Q40/4AA/2L lamp.

It works great for me.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cerberus:
I'm trying to get a belt holster made for me that can carry 6xCR123A here is the design idea,

[includes a belt loop, allowing it to be worn under my t-shirt or pullover.

Two belt loops close to each end will provide a trimmer fit. With only one center loop, the ends will stick out.


I love this holder where did you get it from? I'm in the UK and would love to find something like this!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
Hmm. I'm forbidden to view these...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It doesn't want to seem to link direct from this site, but cut and paste the URL in the address bar. Worked for me.

I'd like to know where to get one of these as well.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DonL:
It doesn't want to seem to link direct from this site, but cut and paste the URL in the address bar. Worked for me.

I'd like to know where to get one of these as well.

Duh (smacks himself on the forehead). Pasting worked like a champ. I've seen those before - they sure are sexy.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
...Pasting worked like a champ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


For the benefit of a dedicated Flashaholic who is embarassingly computer challenged, could you please give me step-by-step instructions for pasting that (or any) web site? I must be doing something wrong 'cause I can't seem to get it to work for me.

If you make it clear enough for a 5 year old I'll probably get it!

Many thanks

Best regards,
put your cursor over the link, right click once.
then left click on copy shortcut

now it seems that nothing has happened but wait
go up to the address bar on explorer you know where you type in what web address you want to goto?
blank it all out (Erase it)
and then with the cursor in that white space right click again, left click on paste and it will put the link in there...
now hit return and bingo you are there!!!!

best regards.
Drag the url to the Explorers adress-bar with your left mouse button, release, and the pic should come up. Use browsers back button to go back and repeat with other url.
Brightnorm -

Looks like Mike took care of you. Make sense?

DonL and Bart - Dragging like that has never worked for me, and it still doesn't.
Holy frijoles!

I just tried it and it worked! Awesome. Bart, that's the whip, so much easier than cutting and pasting.

Darell, I'm running IE 5.5 on a Win 95 platform. What are you running? That may be a difference.
sorry to beat you to the punch darell...i didn' know about dragging.