i just received an email from a tactical Co. thats selling cr123a's at .69ea
they say the are fresh and new...from NABC / ultralast I'm not sure what to think...you know...looks to good to be true etc etc. any thoughts on this brand?
I also received this email. I have used their rechargable batteries in the past, when I thought that all rechargables were the same. I know that the rechargables were made in China and were not the greatest. My dads digital camera always had a low charge. He even switched to alkalines.
Cheap 123A cells, Made in China = Disaster waiting to happen. Whether primary or rechargeable cells. Sometimes they explode inside flashlights. (There's a few threads on CPF about that).
so you figure that these batteries from "the north american battery company"
are from china? i've heard about the explosion factor, thats why i was trying to find out about these "ultralast" batteries
so you figure that these batteries from "the north american battery company"
are from china? i've heard about the explosion factor, thats why i was trying to find out about these "ultralast" batteries
Is that where they are MADE or the name of the company? You can name your company anything you like, and North American Battery Company would be nicely misleading and not wholly out of character for a Chinese business.
If it's made in USA it will say "Made in USA".
As for Chinese batteries, I've read horror stories both here and elsewhere about problems with them. Lithium is finicky stuff and you have to have your ducks in a row to make a safe battery.
In my experience, off-brand batteries are simply not worth it. Personally, I buy only Duracell, SureFire, or Sanyo, or also maybe Energizer if they could be purchased cheaply enough.
But, Duracell have proven to me to be the best in many ways, but most importantly in terms of consistency and reliability and quality of manufacture.
www.cheapbatteries.com sells DL123A's for about $1.75 or so depending on quantity. That's a great deal.
$0.69 on an unknown isn't. And keep in mind that even if someone says "Oh, yeah, I've used those before--they were great" that that was THEN, and this is NOW. It's exactly like the Amandotech Titanium 123's. The "new" versions tested great and did well in SilverFox's tests. I bought 30 of them. They all self-disharged down to nothing. All dead.
Batterystation.com is selling Rayovac cells for $1.25/ea (buy their branded ones, they are now supposed to be produced by ROV from what they told me when I asked. Good price for US made cells. Batteryjunction.com has their Tenergy batteries for around $1/ea as well I believe. I paid the little bit extra for the ROVs myself.