Cr123a battery voltage?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 21, 2006
I just tested 3 of my energizer cr123a batteries and they come out at 3.3v is that the correct voltage? And if it is doesn't that mean protected rcr123a's put out the same/less voltage and won't burn out an incandescent or mess with an led fenix?
I just measured my energizer cr123a batteries and got 3.10 Volts.
I have used them for about 5-10 minutes.
So 3.2-3.3 for a new one? Isn't that about the same as a rechargeable rcr123a? (after the protection or w/e kicks in)
A fresh lithium-ion will be around 4.2 volts absent any circuitry to change that.

So 3.2-3.3 for a new one? Isn't that about the same as a rechargeable rcr123a? (after the protection or w/e kicks in)

That would be true for a regulated "3 volt" lithium ion (regulation "kicks in"
but not fast enough to prevent a possible instaflash-causing spike)