craftsman led available??


Nov 29, 2004
Ontario, Can
I can't seem to find it on their website. when I google it I get some page about a review and it says the led is no longer available is this true?

And if it is what is compairable to it. I'm interested in the fact that it is able to be powered by different voltages.

As a side note I'm think about using this bulb in a bike light build.

Here you go...I have four of them that I use on my GI Anglehead/2-D Mag, and 6-V lantern, but I've heard on the larger cells (4-D), that they have had some over heating issues, and I had mine "shut-off" when used in a 4-AA headlamp, but with my 2/3 cell lights, they've ran for DAYS (literally), and are a pretty good upgrades for some of the older style flashlights. Hope this helps!
So from what I can tell those LED's are replacements for Maglites and lanterns. I have a Craftsman flashlight that uses the 19.2 volts rechargable battery system. The stock incandescent bulb is horrible and breaks easily. Has anyone seen an LED conversion? Thanks

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