Cree XP-L High Intensity LED

good news, that should end those issues of shifting tint when dedomed.
Looking forward to seeing this type of undomed emitters become more common place in production lights and D26 drop-ins.
A D26 drop-in that can do 20k lux or above at a solid output level with flat regulation for more than 90 minutes on 1x18650 would be very nice indeed, if that's even possible.
Seriously considering holding off getting a thrower and waiting for the new wave with undomed emitters.
Cree just released a new product, the XP-L High intensity. Its like the regular XP-L but with no dome over it. The max flux bin is 3 levels lower than the normal XP-L though which is disapointing

This is to be expected as the dome is there to improve the efficiency and lumen output. A ~20% reduction in efficiency is not that bad; better than what you would achieve from physically dedoming a regular XP-L no doubt.
the dome is there to focus the light pattern to a smaller angle isn't it? i dont understand how removing the dome will actually affect the total amount of lumen being produced though . assuming they are using the same exact die on both, the lm/w should be the same as well as the amount of waste heat. is that assumption wrong. If a regular XP-L and a XP-L high intensity are both driven a 2000mA, would they create the same amount of heat ( assuming one is a V5 bin and the other in s V2 bin, for the regular XP-l and XP-L high intensity respectively)
the dome is there to focus the light pattern to a smaller angle isn't it?
The dome is there to provide a better match between the refractive index of the materials and also a better shape to get more photons out of the LED die and into the air. The interface between die and air sufferes from high internal reflection. The argument for dedoming is it makes the LED die look smaller so it can be better focused. So you end up with a tighter beam brighter beam, even though you have less lumens.

See the encapsulation explanation here:
This is great news, I am really excited about having domeless Cree emitters from the factory. Now we will now exactly what tint we are getting with these as opposed to the unknown tint after de-doming current available emitters.
The argument for dedoming is it makes the LED die look smaller so it can be better focused. So you end up with a tighter beam brighter beam, even though you have less lumens.

This is not entirely true. The increase in performance is about the surface brightness in the focal point and not the apparent size of the emitter. I think it was Semiman who had a good explanation of how the surface brightness is affected when there is no dome but I don't remember who or where that thread is. If I find it I will link it but it was a good technical explanation of how it works.
Look like we're stuck with 70CRI unless you want to get pretty warm.
Anyone heard when we will actually be able to get some of these?

Cutter Electronics out of Australia is offering them for pre-order and expects to receive them mid May. So I guess any time. A lot of great new products and from Cree in the past months. The latest xp-g2 S4 flux bin was recently released and at 1500ma it produces 650 lumens which is actually more than than an XM-L2 T6 produces @1500ma. Anyway sorry to get off topic. great stuff!
I wish Cree would produce a high CRI XP-L. The 3000k model may be their highest CRI but blue doesn't show up well at all.
If that is a blue object you have reaffirmed my point. It looks purple.