Custom flash light switch problems


Newly Enlightened
Mar 28, 2010
Hey guys, Brand new to the forum. In my manufacturing class we are making flashlights, and my group is having trouble in finding a good way to mount our switch. the switch we are using is this .... Have you guys ever used this type of switch? or know of a good way to mount it? we tried mechanical lock washers, but it shorts the light out. we tried epoxy but did not work that well. Any ideas will be appreciated.
I have some experience with lights that use it....they all had a plastic washer instead of the mechanical lock washers you use...

this is the tailcap of an ultrafire 502

see hat I mean...
I one of mine the plastic washers lost its threads and is now kept inplace by battery pressure alone....for a class project I would not mind this (your flashlight allowing) so hunt down for palstic/teflon etc wahsers in the local hardware store, else use coke bottle caps to make them!