custom Graham Utility Razel finally came!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2007
West Coast, USA
after 5 months and a full day of nail biting, waiting for the UPS guy to arrive, my custom Graham Utility Razel with extended tang in CPM154CM steel with black G10 handles and blue liners finally came! so excited. beautiful knife that immediately goes into home/utility duty. got the regular sheath instead of the multiposition carry like i ordered (a switch after the initial order, so understandable) but im sure josh will sort it out. im definitely a happy camper!

sorry for the bad pics...

im in love with fat steel. cant wait for my custom raidops little john and custom vox prymate to come!

I've got the entire series of these from the 12" blade all the way down to the 4" ?) done in Desert Ironwood. They are fine, fine pieces of cutlery.

Oh yeah. The Razel is a pretty sweet piece. Excellent utilitarian blade design :naughty:
thanks for all the comments, yeah i really like it.

although i gotta admit, the Little John is the one thats been in my hands most since i got both! havent had to pry anything yet though...
got this back again today, had to send it back to josh graham to get it fitted for a tek-lock sheath. in love with it again :) just a great feeling, nice looking, simple and elegant yet functional knife. was great working with them as well, definitely worth the wait! they have some on special sometimes, like ringed razels for just over $100, if you see one dont hesitate