Cutter Electronics - shipping worst than DX

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 31, 2006
N 03°13.884° / E 101°29.329°
Placed an order on the 2/10/08.
Call hem on the 2/17/08 - was informed will be ship today.:eek:
Emailed them on 2/18/08 - no answer until 2/19/08 stated that the item will be ship within 2 days :xyxgun:
2/23/08 - email received "We are informing you that your order (ID 3818) has been updated from Payment Received to Order Shipped on 23rd February 2008 08:58. Your tracking number is " ( where is my tracking number ? ) :wtf:
Total of 13 days and still no shipping status this is unacceptable from a western company,if it is from DX than I know what to expect.
I'm not pleased at all - shoot!
Totally agree.
Order ones from them.
Will not again. :thumbsdow


My first order from them was painfully slow (three weeks), with no communication on their part. And my last order (the last one ever) was delayed for nearly a month before they told me that they no longer had the CREE Q5's in stock.
Marduke's response is relative to the thread. if I had seen your post before he did, I would have said something to the same effect.
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This belongs in the Jeers sub-forum on the MarketPlace.

nanotech17, you may post a complaint about Cutter Electronics there if you wish, or add to an existing one if you prefer.

I'm closing this thread.
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