I'm not trying to notify of an 'other auction', just curious as to whether anyone has tried this or not? If so, what kind of modifications would need to be performed to use it on, say for example, Mac's shorty P7 Mag?
I'm not trying to notify of an 'other auction', just curious as to whether anyone has tried this or not? If so, what kind of modifications would need to be performed to use it on, say for example, Mac's shorty P7 Mag?
We don't sell on ebay, but We have the Bust-a-cap for D mags and the Xcape cap for AA mags and C mags and Inova T5. We will be adding the D xcape cap soon, which is the one in the picture.
All you have to do is swap the cap, unless the stock one has to be "modified".
Will be announcing and offering something special and new on these very soon.