Newly Enlightened
Is there somthing that give's close to the perfomance of the d mini for less money or should I just spend the money for the d mini
LA OZ said:you may wish to look at the ultrafire c2.
davenlei said:How does the beam (brightness) of the D-Mini compare to the 'U2' style light at DX?
If I am correct, the D-Mini pushes the LED at 550ma and the 'U2' Style pushes the LED at 1000-1200ma. If that is the case, I wonder what would happen if you can mod the D-mini to push the LED at 1000ma.
Alin10123 said:The U2 is a 5watt luxeon i think. While the D-mini is a cree xre. There's a bit of a difference there. The 5 watt LED mainly emits light in a flood pattern while the cree xre puts light forward. The cree is also a more efficient led. So it depends on what you want. If you were to put a 5 watt led inside the D-mini and then drove it to 1000mah, you would loose a lot of throw. If you were to drive the Dmini w. cree to 1000mah you'd loose a ton of runtime. I dont think the difference in output would be hugely noted in a light of that size primarily because it's made to be an EDC light. The runtime you get at 500mah like the light is designed will far exceed the benefit of bumping current up to 1000mah. Of course... if you want brightness at the cost of runtime. It's all good as well.
FASTCAR said:D-mini is quite large for a 1x123 format light.Im not a D-mini fan at all.