Flashlight Enthusiast
Hi, I have not been using my D-mini (se Q5) lately since I really like my Tiablo MA6 and my other q5 lights better. Just for fun, I decided to put 2 SF 123a's in it to see what would happen. I was kind of expecting a
, but instead, have gotten a light that is even brighter than the MA6 (which killed the mini on 1x3.7v cell) It is not twice as bright, but at least 15-20% brighter. I do not know how long this will last, but I have put 10-15 minutes on it without any problems. If it keeps working, I might just find myself carrying my D-mini again, which would be great.
Have any of you ran this setup for a long time? If so, did the led die after a while, or is it still working for you? If you have, please let us know....

Have any of you ran this setup for a long time? If so, did the led die after a while, or is it still working for you? If you have, please let us know....