D10 clips! Anyone selling them yet?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 6, 2009
Jo Daviess Co, IL
Well poop! About a year ago I bought an EX10 put a clip on it, pimped it a little then just sold it 2 days ago! Well I just noticed today that a screw on my D10 clip is jacked. It won't tighten. It's like the threads are bad or too big. Anyway I found a thread where a guy re-drilled and tapped and added bigger button head screws for a fix but I'd like to have another clip as a backup. Does anyone still have any in stock? 4 Sevens and Unique Ti do not :mad:. Please tell me there are other Nitecore dealers out there?
Batteryjunction has them on backorder as well, I just got some from flashaholics.uk, they should have some by now if you don't mind the shipping costs.

I ordered an EagleTac T10LC2 neutral white with the clips to keep the shipping costs low in relation of the spent amount. Flashaholics.uk often has lights you don't find anywhere else (anymore), I recently even got a D10 GDP (the last one, sorry) from them... :D