D10 SP, EX10 SP and NDI questions


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 25, 2008
I know I'm going to hear cries of "heretic!", but I like the NiteCore EX10 SP. I'm thinking about gettng a D1O SP or another EX10 SP, or even an NDI now.

I never owned the original EX10, so perhaps I can be forgivien because I don't know any better, but I think the EX10 SP is a pretty good little light. Here's why.

1. I got one with a warm emitter, Q3 5A. Yeah, some say that's a neutral. But it seems warm to me.

2. The three levels are well spaced. Ok, the low could be lower, but it's better than most "lows" out there.

3. The UI works well. Brightness levels switch quickly. With the head loosened, you can use the light as a twisty. And, with the head loosened, there is momentary mode, if you depress the piston half-way. Push it all the way in, and you'll be switching modes. But only going half-way is easy, at least on my model.

4. Great clip, and nice fit and finish to the whole light.

OK, I do have a couple of gripes. The beam is ringy. More some than other XR-E based lights I have. In actual outdoor use, though, I don't notice it.

Also, the strobe and sos are not easily accessed. But I don't use disco modes, so i don't really care.

Now, I'm really thinking I'd like another. I only have one AA EDC worthy light, a Fenix L1T v2. So, I was thinking about the D10 SP. But selfbuilt's review shows that the SP version takes a huge hit on runtime on "high." I mean, it starts to fall off after about 30 minutes. That's not too impressive, even for a light that's going to be used mainly in "medium" mode. So to fill the AA EDC role, now I'm thinking about getting the NDI with the R2 XP-E.

Questions (And yes, I know "search is your friend" but it didn't answer these):

1. Does the D1O Tribute have a similarly disappointing runtime on "high," or is it equal to the original versions (which I think put out a good 55 minutes before starting to drop off precipitously)?

2. Does the EX10 SP have a similarly short runtime on "high" to the D10 SP or is it comparable to the "high" runtime on the original EX10?

3. Is the beam produced by the D10SP and EX10 SP models and the NDI using the R2 XP-E significanty smoother than the original Q5 XR-E D10, EX10 and NDI beams?

4. Does anyone know, or have an educated guess, as to the actual OTF output of the D10 SP, EX10 SP, and NDI, using the R2 XP-E? I think my Q3 EX10 SP is giving me about 100 lumens OTF.
I've got an EX10 SP R2 and run it on AW 123's. With the 750mah battery you don't get a whole lot of run-time on high. On primaries Nitecore state 90 mintues on high, so probably half that with a li-on. I don't use mine on high a lot as the medium is plenty for my use.

But it is very bright on high. It will make a lot of dark disappear when needed. The beam is smooth, with a few faint rings up close. OTF lumens is pretty darn good. On a ceiling bounce test it doesn't seem much dimmer than a TK40 on high (not turbo). So I'm very impressed.

I modified the piston in mine by filing away the area where the O-ring sits and got some aftermarket O-rings that slide somewhat nicer than the originals. It's silky smooth and REAL easy to push while still being watertight.

I'm going to get another one, maybe two, because I love the UI and the fact it has no rubber switch. Tough as nails too.
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