D3 Beam


Jan 12, 2001
Renton, Wa
I will be getting a D3 or C3 in the near future, what can I expect from the beam in terms of power and angle. (I expect to use the P91 as my primary bulb). Just how tight is the beam? How far away can you distingush a person from a 6' stump in the dark? Is it so tight that it is difficult to see the "big picture" at <20 feet away?

I have the follow lights now (Mini mag w/nextstar, PT rage, PT blast, Streamlight 2AA, 3D mag w/ xenon bulb) Is the "focus" similar to any of these???

I am assuming that the overall output will send my 3D mag running for the hills

Thanks, Nathan
I suggest you email Brock, as he's just got himself the P90 and P91 lamps.

From what I can get, the P91 is "more" light rather than a tightly focused beam.
I'm considering getting these two lamps, and hopeful people like Brock can give us some beam comparison photos with various different flashlights (inc other SureFires)

How about it Brock?!


Hopefully early next week I will take some shot of the output of the Surefire line. You will easily be able to see a person at 20 feet, I would say more like 50.

The P91 makes a larger area of light compared to the P90. Even a 6p, with a P60 lamp outshines the 3 D mag.
