Dead U2 part Duex


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2006
*Out There* (Irvine, CA)
Dead SF U2

Well after having some issues running my U2 on rechargeable 3.7v cells, my U2 is now not working even on CR123 primaries.

I can turn the light on, but not all the levels work, it acts normal up until level 4 or so where it peaks, tryed fresher batteries, same deal, if started on level 6 it bumps to level 1, with rechargeable it flashes then dies.

I will call SF tomorrow around noon, and see if a visit to their office would be in order. This is why I pay more, if it does break I know they back it.
Re: Dead SF U2

Agreed. SF warranty (and the lights) are unbeatable.

I loaned my old L1 to my girlfriend's friend and she somehow broke it. SF fixed it no problem.
Re: Dead SF U2

Your warranty might not be any good if they find out you used 2x3.7v RCR123's in it, or even 1x18650. I don't think I would tell them that you used anything other than primary CR123's in it, just in case.

Re: Dead SF U2

Well after having some issues running my U2 on rechargeable 3.7v cells, my U2 is now not working...

I will call SF... This is why I pay more, if it does break I know they back it.

I hope when you speak of rechargeable 3.7v cells, you are referring to a single 17670 or 18650 cell. The U2 absolutely does not like voltages much in excess of 6.0 volts.

Surefire is relatively clear about their warranty. The use of rechargeable cells voids the warranty. In this case, they don't "back it".
Re: Dead SF U2

happy now?


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Re: Dead SF U2

Well after having some issues running my U2 on rechargeable 3.7v cells, my U2 is now not working even on CR123 primaries.

I can turn the light on, but not all the levels work, it acts normal up until level 4 or so where it peaks, tryed fresher batteries, same deal, if started on level 6 it bumps to level 1, with rechargeable it flashes then dies.

I will call SF tomorrow around noon, and see if a visit to their office would be in order. This is why I pay more, if it does break I know they back it.

If you used 2x 3.7V cells - the U2 isn't designed to take that and will :poof:

Is that what happened?
Re: Dead SF U2

Don't you think that Surefire service is sophisticated enough to be able to determine the cause of a failure?
I am quite sure that if a person sends them a light which has been run with too much voltage that they will be able to determine this quick like.
So it is not really about Manning up. If he attempts to have the light serviced and it failed as a result of using rechargeable cells with a voltage which is out of spec. Surefire will I am sure offer him the option to repair the light for the usual fee.
Surefire may elect at their option to just repair the light. Free.

The point is that Surefire has seen enough of this type of failures to know exactly what went wrong.

It is tough to impose your personal honesty standards onto another person.
When faced with decisions of this nature I keep in mind that what goes around comes around.
Karma just is and it can't be imposed or escaped.

If he fed it with a pair of 3.7 volt cells he should "man up" and explain to SF what he did. To do otherwise would be fraud, as the light was operated outside of what SF considers normal use. It will still cost him less to have it repaired than to replace it. Character is how one acts when no one is watching, you either have it, or not. Telling him to not mention the use of an overvoltage situation says something about THAT speakers character...:thumbsdow

Re: Dead SF U2

Paladin, I appreciate the third person and blatantly uneducated opinion you have about me, but that is not the point.

This U2 was operated on 18650 cells just as many other CPFer that uses a U2 with rechargeable cells would do. I am not stupid enough to try and push 7.4 volts into a 6 volt light.

Advise taken from senior respected members of CPF was to not mention the use of single cell 18650 batteries, I took that advice, lithium ion batteries operate in the operating voltage of the U2 ( about 6volts down to 3volts), I told surefire I was having strange failures when running around 4 volts (where fresh lithiums would be) which is not outside of the voltage range for CR123 cells, I also mentioned the single incident where the levels weren't working properly, as I gave them the light, no mention of lithium cells came up, both people I talked to were perplexed at the issue at hand, but both seemed to feel that it is possible for such a thing to happen.

Thanks for any positive input from this thread, as most of you have given.
Re: Dead SF U2

I don't own a U2 but theres a thread somewhere regarding how to take the selector ring apart, could it be that your switch/contacts may be dirty and coincidentally be using 18650s?

U2 Disassembly

EDIT: yeah uh greenLED, can you tell I've never owned a U2? :grin2:
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Re: Dead SF U2

If this is the same U2 you were washing, then you may have temporarily shorted out the magnetic switch through contamination.
Re: Dead SF U2

Illum - There could be crud on the threads and/or the switch may be flakey, but the selector ring is completely isolated from the internal circuit, so no way to add resistance there.

FlashKat - The magnets on the ring are strong enough to not be affected by every day "crud" or water. You'd need a stronger magnet to alter the functioning of the light.

IMO, use of li-ions is discouraged in SF lights because of liability due to voltage mismatch between the cells and the circuit (ie. using 2xR123 when the circuit can only handle 1xR123) and the risks of explosions. The U2 circuit works well under 6V so, AFAIK, a single li-ion is OK to use (as has been shown by counteless CPF'ers).
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Re: Dead SF U2

How odd.

The best recourse is undoubtably to call SF and see what they'll do.

I wouldn't have thought that dirt in the selector ring would have made a huge difference since the selector ring only carries a magnet in order to harness the Hall effect.

If they ask you to send back the light and you'd like to keep using your 18650-compatible body, make sure you only send back the head! Otherwise you might end up with one of the 'new, improved' more tightly bored bodies.
Re: Dead SF U2

Ok officially official update. I live near SF's office in Socal, drove there myself today, got some pics of their display case as proof.

I called SF tech support, they said that the intermitten problem that happened yesterday was nothing to be too concerned about, but when I mentioned that it was having problems with lower voltages around 4 volts, when using lithium cells (I did not mention the use of lithium cells, but that around the 50% mark for CR123's or 4 volts under load, that the light was having erratic behavior, I explained that to both the guy on the phone and the guy that I gave the light to who checked it in at their office.)

So when I got to SF's office and waited my turn for some help I explained to the guy that was reading my RMA before he added some notes and printed out the info, I asked him to add around 4 volts under load the light acts erratically, hoping rather than them thinking I used lithium ion's that since 4 volts is in perfect operating range for 2x CR123 cells that it wouldn't raise any red flags.

That is my story and I am sticking to it, I was quoted anywhere from 1 week to maybe a month. Hopefully it gets resolved quickly and they get me a U2 back soon (hopefully a new one mine was looking a bit beat up)
Re: Dead SF U2

Ok officially official update. I live near SF's office in Socal, drove there myself today, got some pics of their display case as proof.

Haha! I pegged you for a CPF'er as soon as you walked up to us in the parking lot to help that guy with the LED drop-in. Great minds think alike! :thumbsup:
Re: Dead SF U2

Ditto on that kato337, it was a pleasure to meet you there, when I heard that guy talking about the P60 dropin in their office, I knew that the other guy had to be informed of the cheaper brighter DX/Kai/Bugout/Chinese Led units that give maybe only 2 hours of light, but over 150 lumens.

Well back on topic I hope.
Re: Dead SF U2

Character is how one acts when no one is watching, you either have it, or not. Telling him to not mention the use of an overvoltage situation says something about THAT speakers character...:thumbsdow


Whoa, hold it right there! First of all you know nothing about me or my character/morals. And if you think you can judge someone based on one post on the internet, you need to take a look at your own "character". I told him not to mention using different batteries because SureFire's warranty is only good if you use their brand of CR123's, take a look at it, its in black & white.

Anyone that has ever put a Duracell, Energizer, or Sanyo (not to mention tons of other perfectly good batteries) has VOIDED their warranty... PERIOD. IMO, this is bull! As long as the other batteries meet SureFire's specs, any brand should be fine. If the battery causes a problem, the battery manufacturer should/will take care of the repair, under some circumstances. This is the same way that the Magnuson Moss Act protects consumers from auto manufacturers. They can't deny warranty based on the use of aftermarket parts (as long as they meet the manufacturer's specs) unless the part is proven to have caused the problem. I don't know if the MMA is applicable on other goods or not, you'll have to talk to a lawyer for that.

The other reason I said not to mention it is because so far the cause of the problem is unknown. It could be anything, and/or it could be his choice of batteries. SureFire will check the light out and be able to tell if the problem was caused by over-voltage or if there was some other defect. If they can't diagnose an over-voltage situation in one of their lights, they are not near as good of a company as I thought. If they find out it was over-voltage, then he will have to pay for the repair. If his actions didn't cause the failure, he shouldn't be penalized. If he contacts SureFire and says, right off the bat, I used unapproved batteries, his warranty is gone without any diagnosis of the failure.

If his batteries did cause the failure, then it comes down to... "You gotta pay to play". I don't condone lying, cheating, or stealing, but that goes both ways, and the consumer also needs to be protected. There is no reason to volunteer information, but if asked about the batteries, its up to him if he wants to lie to SureFire. He will be caught if it was in fact, an over-voltage situation.


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