DealExtreme lights - good stuff or junk?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
I am looking at this CR2 LEd they have for under $20 -- want to know if it's a semi-disposable piece of junk or if it will endure like the more expensive units.

Any experience with DealExtreme?
Why don't you ask this question on the forum there? These threads normally just get locked here because they have their own forum for it.
I think they have a little bit of both. You'll have to check out that particular light by itself, check the forums and comments etc.
Ultrafire seems to generally have high and consistent quality. Then there are lights like WF-600 that seems to have very high quality. And then there are lights that fall apart if you look at them funny. It's a bit of hit or miss.
i had problems with the mini clicky cr2, the thing about deal extreme lights, you can get a good one, but also get a really bad one... depends on your luck, the MTE 5 mode Rebel is pretty good...

Somebody else had just asked about a CR-2 light and recommendation was to try Peak Lights. Their lights are of extremely high quality and are reasonably priced for a made in USA light. Unfortunately, their website leaves lot to be desired. If you want a CR-2 light, the consensus in this forum is to call Peak.

I have lots of DealExtreme and KaiDomain lights and some lights are pretty good for the money but some are not so good. Even the good lights fail more often than they should. For example, Romisen F4 is *great* light but we have at least two instances where the converter circuit in it has failed. In general, Romisen is a good brand with very good build quality for the money.

- Vikas
It's definitely a mixed bag. My luck with them has been good, but some have had bad luck. I'd recommend reading the reviews on both sites. At least they seem to allow the negative reviews to stay up, so you do get both sides.
I've considered that light myself and have only delayed ordering one due to higher interest in other lights. The small form factor intrigues me as a possible EDC as does the fact it can use protected rechargeables and is a clicky type. It looks to be well constructed with good light performance, it's only drawback, to me, is likely it's run time. Excluding price, there is often at least one compromise between size, runtime, and brightness, but for limited use it looks to be a fine light. The price is right, I'd say give it a try as DX is a great company with good customer service. Just understand the item may take anywhere between 1 week to a month to arrive, mostly due to international shipping and customs.
there are no fine line about the quality of DX lights. I bought plenty of them some are just plain crap(DOA and all) while others seems to be good for the price. Lights that i like from DX are: WF-400, EYJ U-2 Clone, WF-600, Ultrafire C2, Ultrafire C3, MTE AA(moded to 14500), WF-800, Ultrafire C5(one had a mismatched threads)
