debating between the phenix tk10 and tk11

Canadian Forces

Newly Enlightened
Jan 4, 2008
so ive been debating over the tk 10 and 11 for some time now and i have a few questions that i need answered beforei make the purchase.

1. is the textured reflector of the tk10 better than that of the smooth one? will it throw farther ect?

2. what other differences are there besides different reflectors, and the tk 11 being able to use lithium ion rechargables.
so ive been debating over the tk 10 and 11 for some time now and i have a few questions that i need answered beforei make the purchase.

1. is the textured reflector of the tk10 better than that of the smooth one? will it throw farther ect?

2. what other differences are there besides different reflectors, and the tk 11 being able to use lithium ion rechargables.

1) The TK11 uses a smooth reflector, so it will throw further. However the TK10 gives a more smooth beam pattern compared to TK11 with less unsightly dark circles around the hotspot when viewed at closer distances.

2) The TK11 is able to use 18650 rechargeables. The TK10 uses RCR rechargeables or CR primarys. 18650 batts give a longer runtime compared to RCRs.

I personally love the TK11 for its throw and use it mainly for that.

thanks for the info and fast response. do you have any idea how much extra the smooth reflector will throw over the textured one. im tihnking that circles probably wont bother me but im still thinking on it
The circles will only bother you if u use it indoors and at close distances alot. If u use it outdoors, it wont matter. :twothumbs
As for how much further it would throw, im not sure.
What i can say is that if throw is ur main priority, get the TK11, it works great.
I just purchased a TK11 and love it. I was amazed at how bright it was. Quick question, in the manual it states that you can "toggle" between regular 60 Lumen and turbo 225 by turning the bezel. I have been doing that and cannot really tell the difference. I turn the bezel to the fully screwed in position and to when the head is almost going to come off and acnnot see any noticeable change in the beam? Am I doing something wrong, or maybe got a bum flashlight?

Hello i recently jst recieved the tk11 and loving it its far brighter than my Maglite LED for 1/4 the size of it i find it impressive and has a great throw on it as i found lastnite while hiking.
I just purchased a TK11 and love it. I was amazed at how bright it was. Quick question, in the manual it states that you can "toggle" between regular 60 Lumen and turbo 225 by turning the bezel. I have been doing that and cannot really tell the difference. I turn the bezel to the fully screwed in position and to when the head is almost going to come off and acnnot see any noticeable change in the beam? Am I doing something wrong, or maybe got a bum flashlight?


You should see a significant difference in brightness between 60 lumens and 225. Clean the threads and contacts thorougly. Use not only alcohol but also use the pointed end of a toothpick soaked in alcohol to clean any grit out between the threads. Then relube the threads. Perhaps then you will be able to tighten the head enough to get it to go into turbo.
I just purchased a TK11 and love it. I was amazed at how bright it was. Quick question, in the manual it states that you can "toggle" between regular 60 Lumen and turbo 225 by turning the bezel. I have been doing that and cannot really tell the difference. I turn the bezel to the fully screwed in position and to when the head is almost going to come off and acnnot see any noticeable change in the beam? Am I doing something wrong, or maybe got a bum flashlight?

Your batteries may be getting low.

I've noticed with my TK10 that I can not go from Normal to Turbo before the light starts to flicker to indicate that the batteries are getting low.

Once I replace the batteries, the difference is noticeable.

If it is the same with new batteries, then take the head off and clean the contacts in the head to the body.

*If* there still is no difference, then I'd say contacting Fenix would be the next step.

Take care, bill
I just purchased a TK11 and love it. I was amazed at how bright it was. Quick question, in the manual it states that you can "toggle" between regular 60 Lumen and turbo 225 by turning the bezel. I have been doing that and cannot really tell the difference. I turn the bezel to the fully screwed in position and to when the head is almost going to come off and acnnot see any noticeable change in the beam? Am I doing something wrong, or maybe got a bum flashlight?

Have you tried changing/charging the batteries? You only have to losen the head slightly to change from high mode to low mode and you should see a big difference in brightness.
thanks for the info and fast response. do you have any idea how much extra the smooth reflector will throw over the textured one. im tihnking that circles probably wont bother me but im still thinking on it
The TK10 is 7070 lux at 1 meter and the TK11 is 11360 lux at 1 meter(both with RCR123s). I'm guessing that the TK11 should throw around 25% further. Toaster says around 30% so it should be between 25-30% further.

If after you clean the light it still doesn't work the way it should, then you have a broken light.

The difference of throwing ability is related to the square root of the difference of measured lux at 1m. According to your numbers it does mean that the TK11 throws ca 1,27 times or 27% farer than TK10. You were very close!

Regards, Patric
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So the TK11 throws further not because of the smooth reflector but because it has more lux?
Or both contribute to the throw?
Kind of makes me wish I waited for the TK11 before I got the TK10!! Bring on the TK12!

It throws farer because the smooth reflector doesn't spread out the light like the textured. The lux becomes therefore higher because more light amount is gathered at the same area in the hotspot. The total light amount (lumens) is the same, however.

Edit: to not make misunderstanding: as well the entire beam as the hotspot will have the same lumens but the hotspot is more concentrated and smaller with smooth reflector. That results in more lumens/area in the hotspot, which is the same as more lux.

Regards, Patric
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Thank you swedpat. I'm a noob to all this and that actually made sense to me :twothumbs
I'm learning so far!

The difference of throwing ability is related to the square root of the difference of measured lux at 1m. According to your numbers it does mean that the TK11 throws ca 1,27 times or 27% farer than TK10. You were very close!

Regards, Patric
I got the numbers from light-reviews. 26.759....% I took away the 1.756...% to account for some of the dust in the air and also to set on a easier to visualize number.

Thanks for confirming my calculations!

unique, a wider, deeper, or both, reflector would also give a higher lux number. More light would be concentrated into the hotspot with a deeper reflector and the beam would be narrower with a wide one. Both of which would make the lux number higher.

Lux measures how many lumen per square meter(the measuring area can be less then 1 square meter) so more lux means more throw.
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It's tempting to simply reach for the highest numbers for each in making a comparison. But imho it's more realistic to compare with typical battery usage. In this case I assume TK10 is running on CR123s versus TK11 running on 18650. With those parameters TK10 puts out 6750 lux and TK11 does 11240 lux according to light-review. Therefore TK11 under those conditions has 29% greater throw, which I rounded to 30%. I doubt very many people run a TK10 or Tk11 on RCR123s so I stick by 30% as a more accurate representation.
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I'd say we were all correct.

25-30% difference in throw(well 25-56% if you count the 17670 battery, 4660 lux at 1 meter), depending on battery used in each light.

Good discussion guys.

Canadian forces, which one would you be picking?

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