DEFT vs. Tiablo A9 Aspheric and Dereelight DBS Aspheric


Newly Enlightened
Dec 2, 2009
Boulder, CO

I've been lurking for quite awhile and finally decided to join as I get deeper and deeper into this world... I have a number of quality lights (Surefire U2, Nitecore Extreme, 47's Preon II, Jetbeam M1x, RRT-0, RRT-2, Jet IIIm, Lumapower MiniD running the SST50, plus G2 LED's w/ Malkoff drop-ins on a few of my AR's) but I really want an aspherical set-up for some specific law enforcement applications. I want maximum throw, FWIW. I couldn't talk my department into a Maxabeam!

I've been debating between the Tiablo A9 w/ aspheric head or the Dereelight DBS with aspheric head. More research has led me to the DEFT. The price point isn't an issue between these lights - $200 is about my max. The size differences don't matter to me either.

I've searched a lot of threads but haven't been able to find any direct comparison between the DEFT and these other lights. Does anyone own all or both of these lights that can comment on the strengths/weaknesses? I wish the DEFT could run on 2 18650's, but it's such a specific use light I'm not really worried about feeding it lithium AA's.

I really appreciate any comments. Thanks in advance, Dave
The Deft is about double your $200 dollar limit or max:crackup:

The Tiablo A9 and Dereelight DBS Aspheric = hands down the Dereelight Aspheric. I just saw these in person 3 weeks ago and the DEFT is an entirely different animal that shouldn't be compared to those other aspherics.

If you want the most possible throw get the DEFT. If you have budget or size concerns get the Dereelight.:twothumbs
Thanks for the reply. The OMG Lumens website states base price for the
DEFT is $150 + $35 for CF bezel + $5 for R2 WH = $190. I guess this is
the new less expensive DEFT.
Just so you know, the DEFT is far beyond the throw of a Tiablo A9 Aspheric or Dereelight DBS Aspheric. There is no other handheld LED flashlight or aspheric that will approach the power of the DEFT in terms of throw. It is well out of your $200 price range, however.

Here is a very good thread that shows what the DEFT can do: LINK

You might want to consider the Titanium Innovations N30 HID searchlight. This light is compact, rechargeable, should have a runtime of around 1 hour and puts out over 3000 lumens. It will easily out throw the Tiablo and Dereelight aspherics and should be in the same throwing range as the DEFT. I own this light and highly recommend it.
From what I read, the DBS Aspherical has a bit more throw then the Tiablo Aspherical, and the DEFT beats them all.

I own none of them, this is from the collective knowledge of this place along with looking at beamshots.


If you want throw get the DEFT. And as bigchelis posted the price is more than double of what you want. One more thing I'm not sure Michael is going to continue making the DEFT or not, check his thread for sure. You might wait to get the smaller brother of the DEFT in a short while.

I don't have the DBS with aspheric but I got A9 with aspheric and it's a poor man DEFT. And if you want a little more side spill get the A10. When I tried to shine the sky with two light saber A9/aspheric and A10 and ask people around which one is brighter: they all said A10 to my surprise (I kind of agree too).

If you want throw get the DEFT. And as bigchelis posted the price is more than double of what you want. One more thing I'm not sure Michael is going to continue making the DEFT or not, check his thread for sure. You might wait to get the smaller brother of the DEFT in a short while.

I don't have the DBS with aspheric but I got A9 with aspheric and it's a poor man DEFT. And if you want a little more side spill get the A10. When I tried to shine the sky with two light saber A9/aspheric and A10 and ask people around which one is brighter: they all said A10 to my surprise (I kind of agree too).

I noticed the same thing too. The Aspheric A9 vs. the A10

The A10 just throws with generous spill, now the Dereelight DBS w/Aspheric beat them both.

Maybe someone will sell their used DEFT for $200:whistle:

If you want throw get the DEFT. And as bigchelis posted the price is more than double of what you want. One more thing I'm not sure Michael is going to continue making the DEFT or not, check his thread for sure. You might wait to get the smaller brother of the DEFT in a short while.

I don't have the DBS with aspheric but I got A9 with aspheric and it's a poor man DEFT. And if you want a little more side spill get the A10. When I tried to shine the sky with two light saber A9/aspheric and A10 and ask people around which one is brighter: they all said A10 to my surprise (I kind of agree too).


The DEFT is not gone, saabluster finished the first production DEFT FTP right before he left for vacation. He was very happy with its performance. It outperforms the original DEFT.

The final price has not been set but it will be very close to $200.

So keep your eyes out for a new sales thread soon in the CPF Custom Builders and Modders Sub-Forum.
Thanks for the responses. I've decided on the new, lower priced DEFT. It sounds like it's in a different class and I love that someone took the time and effort to develop this product... very cool. Can't wait to get it.

If you want throw get the DEFT. And as bigchelis posted the price is more than double of what you want. One more thing I'm not sure Michael is going to continue making the DEFT or not, check his thread for sure. You might wait to get the smaller brother of the DEFT in a short while.

I don't have the DBS with aspheric but I got A9 with aspheric and it's a poor man DEFT. And if you want a little more side spill get the A10. When I tried to shine the sky with two light saber A9/aspheric and A10 and ask people around which one is brighter: they all said A10 to my surprise (I kind of agree too).


The DEFT is not gone, saabluster finished the first production DEFT FTP right before he left for vacation. He was very happy with its performance. It outperforms the original DEFT.

The final price has not been set but it will be very close to $200.

So keep your eyes out for a new sales thread soon in the CPF Custom Builders and Modders Sub-Forum.

Aircraft800, I know.

And I saw your post at the DEFT sale thread too. You're lucky that you're living in his neighborhood so you always have the latest update. You might notice I have the original DEFT, owner #2, and I think I'll get the FTP (computer terminology?) after hearing it'll outperform the DEFT. Always hungry for throw.
Saabluster - where are you? I want to buy a DEFT now!! I'm so impatient sometimes... I think I read you are on vacation, so enjoy and check your messages when you're back to it. :thumbsup:

Cheers, Dave
I've searched a lot of threads but haven't been able to find any direct comparison between the DEFT and these other lights.

As you can see from all the comments, Dave, this is because there IS no comparison. I got a DEFT a couple of months ago and I own three DBS's. I have one of them configured with an aspheric and I loved this little light until I got the DEFT. From what I've read, the new DEFT is a bit smaller but performs better. My original DEFT is a little larger than my DBS but MUCH lighter than my Stanley HID, which is really the only thing that's in it's class that I own. I can't hold the Stanley for more than 5 minutes, it's that heavy. I have no Tiablo lights so take my opinion for what it's worth.
Oh yeah, the DEFT blows my DBS out of the water (like it needed to be said!). Indoors, it's really hard to see a difference. Outside, though, it's staggering. The DEFT throws at least 3 if not 4 times as far as the DBS with an aspheric. :thumbsup:
Oh yeah, the DEFT blows my DBS out of the water (like it needed to be said!). Indoors, it's really hard to see a difference. Outside, though, it's staggering. The DEFT throws at least 3 if not 4 times as far as the DBS with an aspheric. :thumbsup:

I suppose that does mean it out throws even my Tiablo A9 aspheric??? :rolleyes:

Regards, Patric
I don't own any Tiablo lights, like I stated in my above post, but if a Tiablo throws farther than a DEFT, I'd be surprised. Not only is the main focusing lens much larger than my DBS, the DEFT has a smaller, secondary focusing lens that's right in front of the LED which helps to focus it before it even hits that giant lens. If you'd like to send me your Tiablo for comparison, I'd gladly post pictures for ya! :thumbsup:
Oh yeah, the DEFT blows my DBS out of the water (like it needed to be said!). Indoors, it's really hard to see a difference. Outside, though, it's staggering. The DEFT throws at least 3 if not 4 times as far as the DBS with an aspheric. :thumbsup:
I suppose that does mean it out throws even my Tiablo A9 aspheric??? :rolleyes:

Regards, Patric
I don't own any Tiablo lights, like I stated in my above post, but if a Tiablo throws farther than a DEFT, I'd be surprised. Not only is the main focusing lens much larger than my DBS, the DEFT has a smaller, secondary focusing lens that's right in front of the LED which helps to focus it before it even hits that giant lens. If you'd like to send me your Tiablo for comparison, I'd gladly post pictures for ya! :thumbsup:

Yes, DEFT throws much farther than Tiablo A9 w/aspherical lens. I have both so that's a fact. Like people posted DEFT is a different animal.
Aircraft800, I know.

And I saw your post at the DEFT sale thread too. You're lucky that you're living in his neighborhood so you always have the latest update. You might notice I have the original DEFT, owner #2, and I think I'll get the FTP (computer terminology?) after hearing it'll outperform the DEFT. Always hungry for throw.

FTP=For The People:) I sure hope he plans on making quite a few of these:thumbsup:
Thanks BMF, now I know what to go for! I have mentioned before in other threads that my Tiablo A9 aspheric is the light which impresses people more than any other of my lights, even more than 600+ lumens reflector lights.
I can just imagine about DEFT. Also I use to call the aspheric for "laser flashlight", because it's like a crossbreed of a laser pointer and a flashlight.

Tiablo vs DEFT: similar difference as comparing a 5mW laser pointer to a 20mW maybe?

I read that DEFT uses 4xAA cells, which is very good in my opinion! :thumbsup:

Regards, Patric
Tiablo vs DEFT: similar difference as comparing a 5mW laser pointer to a 20mW maybe?

Not by a long shot. The Tiablo and DEFT emitters put out about the same amount of lumens, give or take about 20 lumens (total guess). The DEFT is all about the way the light is focused. Two lenses, remember? The two lasers you mentioned have different powered lasers, unless mW doesn't stand for milliwatt any more.

Of course, leave it to me to disagree!

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