Hello all. This is my first post in these forums. I am a long time UPS driver, and a flashlight is an essential tool for us in many ways, especially here in the Pacific Northwest of the US when the daylight gets low in the winter which is the same time our volume goes up as we go into the Christmas season. My main use for my flashlight is as a spotlight that I can grab quickly out of my cupholder to shine onto houses to look for addresses (PSA - please post your address on your house clearly and do not cover it with holiday decorations. An ambulance or fire responder may need it as well!). Another big selling point on a new flashlight acquisition for me though will be how I can utilize it in the deep parts of the Oregon forest. I often cover routes for drivers who are off work in the country areas here, and it is the truest sense of backcountry populated with mountain lions, bears and wolves. Most of my concern though is with roving packs of "domesticated" dogs. People out here let them run loose, and I would like a light that I can use when walking onto these properties away from the shelter of my truck so that I can see a threat coming as well as use my light to temporarily blind any of these animals that pose a threat to me. Lastly, I'd like to not spend a fortune. Wouldn't we all? But I realize quality comes at a price, and when I look on Amazon it is easy to see that I will get easily ripped off there and not acquire the tool that I need. I am willing to spend a little but want something genuine. That is where you all come in! I know I can contact the real experts here! I dream of spending $50 but know that over $100 is likely. What I would value most of all is the input from this community. Can anybody help me out?