Deliver in forest regularly, could use some recommendations


Newly Enlightened
Nov 29, 2020
Hello all. This is my first post in these forums. I am a long time UPS driver, and a flashlight is an essential tool for us in many ways, especially here in the Pacific Northwest of the US when the daylight gets low in the winter which is the same time our volume goes up as we go into the Christmas season. My main use for my flashlight is as a spotlight that I can grab quickly out of my cupholder to shine onto houses to look for addresses (PSA - please post your address on your house clearly and do not cover it with holiday decorations. An ambulance or fire responder may need it as well!). Another big selling point on a new flashlight acquisition for me though will be how I can utilize it in the deep parts of the Oregon forest. I often cover routes for drivers who are off work in the country areas here, and it is the truest sense of backcountry populated with mountain lions, bears and wolves. Most of my concern though is with roving packs of "domesticated" dogs. People out here let them run loose, and I would like a light that I can use when walking onto these properties away from the shelter of my truck so that I can see a threat coming as well as use my light to temporarily blind any of these animals that pose a threat to me. Lastly, I'd like to not spend a fortune. Wouldn't we all? But I realize quality comes at a price, and when I look on Amazon it is easy to see that I will get easily ripped off there and not acquire the tool that I need. I am willing to spend a little but want something genuine. That is where you all come in! I know I can contact the real experts here! I dream of spending $50 but know that over $100 is likely. What I would value most of all is the input from this community. Can anybody help me out?
Save a little money on your flashlight budget and at least carry some form of pepper spray if legal in your area because lean burn is right. A light isn't going to help you with aggressive animals.
I see now that I should mention that I carry bear spray and a baseball bat already. I am just looking for light recommendations here. But thank you all, you are right to prescribe what would help the most first. I should have told you that I already carry those.
Every time these "What should I buy??" threads come out, the other members always post (to me) these odd ball consumer brand flashlights. And I am "that guy" that speaks up with the more heavy duty police level lights. I have been posting here for a long time- PELICAN. They offer a REAL LIFE TIME WARRANTY that they back and no one else is posting a light that offer the same warranty except Streamlight.

UPSguy- I would spend the good money up front and get a heavy duty police level light that is USB rechargeable, police grade, water proof, different light modes and will last you forever as an investment. I like the Pelican 5050r and have been recommending it here. You can call or email Pelican if you have an issue and they respond right away. If a light breaks, they typically send you a brand new one. Buy something that is rugged, durable and will last you your whole career, that's what the cops do, they dont get the cheap consumer level crap with no warranty. I would avoid Fenix and Olight as well. The cops use the high grade stuff, so should you. Also get some Pepper Spray (OC). Not the cheap gas station kind, rather the up graded model of a flip up top cap model that is a good size.

Hit me back in PMs if you have any questions. NO I do not work for Pelican or any light maker.

Company link with no sales option-

Here is what I recommend....


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Mods or Admin- The link you removed was not a sales link, rather the company link. There is not other company product link other than the one I posted. How can I give the guy a link to reference without breaking the rules. Again, that link was the company link, not a sales link.
Malkoff is an obscure oddball consumer brand? There is nothing at all wrong with pelican lights and I still own a few but wow.
There are lights under $50 that could do the job. I've bought a Sofirn SP32 V2.0 that puts out about 1300 lumens on Turbo and 600 lumens on high and has a side switch. You can get one for under $30. I prefer a light that I can remove the battery myself regardless of built in charging as it eliminates the need to use another light when the battery gets depleted in use. Wowtac makes a few lights in similar range and there are probably another half a dozen 18650 or 21700 cell lights out there made by Malkoff and others that for a bit more have outputs even higher. You may want to look at a light with a larger head and reflector if you find yourself needing more reach. Higher lumens output does help reach noticeably but lower lumens and a tighter beam can be more useful if it is a more dedicated light. Another consideration is tint also.... some like CW some NW and some WW and the default tint on lights can be CW. I prefer NW myself.
Malkoff is an obscure oddball consumer brand? There is nothing at all wrong with pelican lights and I still own a few but wow.

Did I specifically state that? Did I post that brand name? No, you did. Back your play, how many police departments use them? Did you state a lifetime warranty?
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UPSguy have a look at the Streamlight ProTac HL5-X, I bought the one supplied with 4 X CR123's and replaced them with 2 x 18650 3500mAh Keeppower batteries. You could keep the CR123's as an emergency back up.

The HLX-5 has good throw and on low/medium/high with 250/1000/3500 lumens when used with 18650's. It is a robust flashlight and has a rubberised exterior coating which helps handling in cold conditions.
UPSguy have a look at the Streamlight ProTac HL5-X, I bought the one supplied with 4 X CR123's and replaced them with 2 x 18650 3500mAh Keeppower batteries. You could keep the CR123's as an emergency back up.

The HLX-5 has good throw and on low/medium/high with 250/1000/3500 lumens when used with 18650's. It is a robust flashlight and has a rubberised exterior coating which helps handling in cold conditions.

I would disagree on this advice because you have to remove the batteries separately on the HL5-X and recharge them individually. If someone is putting in 40+ hours a week and jamming on a route, I would not want to have batteries and USB cables and a flashlight all over my dash. I am a Streamlight guy too, I rather just plug in my light to the dash and let it charge some before hitting the route. Or have it charge overnight as you come on duty in the morning. I saw this as I worked patrol and did not want flashlight parts all over my patrol vehicle. Streamlight does make a couple USB direct charge lights as well.

This is not ideal...

Much cleaner and less stuff to get lost in the delivery truck cab...


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I'm thinking small is best. A small light with huge candella. Imagine carrying a tv up to a porch. So carrying a 2x18650 light is impractical at that point. Something you can hold like a cigarette can be used at that point but……can that light spot a house number from a football field away?

Also consider UPS guy drives a different truck each day. They don't assign unit 1245 to a driver and he drives it every day. Trucks are loaded based off volume so if his route is quadrant C today (with 1000 packages) and tomorrow quadrant G (400 packages with a reload arriving at 3pm) he has a different truck. So the light would probably be best worn on a belt with ability to quickly deploy. Belt clipped lights can poke you in the side while driving so a holster would probably be best.

The light should probably start on high for the ability to start out as a search light but have quick access to low to avoid self blinding. Definitely a law enforcement/first responder grade of durability potential. Not something that if the tailcap flickers UPS guy has to send a video to get a warranty service.

UPS guy, I realize your spare time is at a minimal right now but I would reccomend you visit a firearm store where the proprietor can show you options based on your needs. A police supply store would be better. In the meantime perhaps consider flashlight gloves as well. They can be a fingerless type or one that covers the hand(s) for insulating during cool/cold evenings. They usually have a small, focused beam for spotting stuff at a distance from a domed LED lens. Bicyclists swear by them.

Best regards and thank you for putting up with todays modern delivery perils.

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